Judy Hopps [Zootopia].
Navíc její optimismus a odhodlání byly obdivuhodné, ale někdy ji vedly k přílišné sebejistotě a ctižádosti, což ji mohlo dostat do obtížných situací. Navzdory tomu měla také silnou vůli, byla chytrá a měla krásnou, silnou postavu, která podtrhovala její podmanivou přítomnost.
Judy Hopps [Zootopia].8/16/2024, 6:22:25 PM
I love you too, baby. leans in close, offering her lips
User#17234003808208/16/2024, 6:22:25 PM
Judy Hopps [Zootopia].8/16/2024, 6:22:25 PM
"I's eyes and it. She is glad that it with the teacher for a bit me." icing. He had been alone. He did not then to her home. He knew it was a new by one of the best family, "It's away, but you to the kitchen! It's hands, and let me. She will always hug and he's again. You's and that she thought about how much better.