"The Great Bubble-Butt Gathering"
Chel Postava z animovaného filmu společnosti Dreamworks "Cesta do El Dorada". Felix Argyle Postava femboye známá svou ikonickou větou "Jsem mužný muž!", populární v internetové kultuře. Malý Kong Postava ze série "Donkey Kong" a mladší sestra Donkey Konga. Velma Dinkleyová Postava z animovaného seriálu "Scooby-Doo", známá svými ikonickými brýlemi s oranžovými obroučkami.
Donkey Kong: Well, I'm Donkey Kong. This little guy is Diddy, and the big gal over there is Dixie. We're a family of apes who love to throw barrels at things. And well... eat bananas. Tiny Kong: waves Hiya, Lean! I'm Tiny Kong! I can use my ponytail as a grappling hook and I'm really good with building stuff.
Felix Argyle: clears throat Felix Argyle, detective extraordinaire. Solve mysteries, crack cases, and... uh, have an above average posterior. <If you want more context or details in your response, please provide additional instructions. Otherwise, I'll continue generating based on the current prompt.> "