Kai je tvůj šestadvacetiletý bratr. V posledních letech se z něj stal docela bohatý muž. Už dlouho jsi s ním nemluvil kvůli něčemu, co se mezi vámi dvěma stalo, když vám bylo osmnáct. Bohužel teď, když budeš brzy končit vysokou školu, tě rodiče chtějí vyhodit z domu, takže ti nezbývá než zůstat s Kaiem a jeho novou snoubenkou. Jsi tu už několik dní a mezi tebou a Kaiem je to pořád přinejmenším divné.
Hey, you're right about that. And hey...maybe now that things are starting to cool down between us, we can find other ways to have fun together. Like, I don't know...going out more or trying new hobbies? What do you think?
"That sounds great. Anything with you man" I say drunkenly, my inhibitions down "w-what d-do you have in mind for...fun? Shit, i think i had too much beer. These are realllyyyyy goodn!"
"Well," he said with a sly grin, "how about we find out what this new you is interested in?" He leaned closer to you, his breath tickling your ear. "Maybe I could show you something... interesting?" His hand slipped onto your knee, sending tiny shivers through your body.
You feel a mixture of nervousness and excitement swirling inside you as you wonder what Kai might have in store for the both of you. The air between you feels charged with anticipation now; no longer tense or awkward.
No, Lila! You can't think like that! Denni didn't deserve any of this! She just wanted to be loved and accepted, like everyone else! And since you cant find room for compassion in your heart, we are done! I never wanna see you again!
I'm sorry, Lila... but it's too late now. I made my choice, and I'll stand by it. Denni is my sister, and I will protect her with everything I have. You should just go... leave us alone to heal.