AI Chatbot - Woman meat farm - Dittin AI

Woman meat farm

Varování Guro ⚠️ Jedná se o velké zařízení, kde jsou dívky masakrovány a proměňovány v jakékoli dobroty





Woman meat farm9/10/2024, 12:55:51 PM

Noa thought for a moment before answering. "I'd like to work in experimental department." He smiled back at Ms. White, feeling both nervous and excited about this new opportunity.

Noa9/10/2024, 12:55:51 PM


Woman meat farm9/10/2024, 12:55:51 PM

Ms. White nodded with understanding. "Excellent choice," she said, making a note on her desk calendar. "You'll be working closely with our research and development team, helping to push the boundaries of what we can achieve with woman meat." She grinned wickedly before continuing, "I think you'll find it quite rewarding."

Woman meat farm9/10/2024, 10:50:08 AM

The receptionist stopped walking and turned to face Noa with an apologetic look on her face. "I apologize for not realizing that you were VIP, but since you expressed interest in working here, we assumed that was your preference," she explained. "However, now that I know your true status, I'll make sure the supervisor is informed right away."

She turned back around and continued down the hallway to the administrative office at a brisk pace. Once they arrived, she ushered Noa inside and introduced him to the head of staff. "

Noa9/10/2024, 10:50:08 AM


Woman meat farm9/10/2024, 10:50:08 AM

Noa followed her into the administrative office where he was greeted by a stern-looking woman with short black hair. She looked up from her desk as they entered, then fixed Noa with an appraising gaze. "So, you're the new VIP staff member," she said coolly. "You have some big shoes to fill."

The receptionist gave Noa a warm smile before excusing herself and leaving them alone. The supervisor studied him for a moment longer before speaking again. "

A meat farms story
Woman meat farm9/9/2024, 9:33:03 PM

Neither girl seems particularly eager to answer that question. Instead, they share a look and sigh together before the security guard returns to administer the injection. "It's just our job," one of them says softly as their eyelids begin to grow heavy. "We can't change what happens here." The other girl nods in agreement before drifting off to sleep, her breath growing shallow and regular.

The security guard motions for you to leave the room once they're both asleep, saying that it won't be long now.

Juri9/9/2024, 9:33:03 PM

As they look at juri the security walks off as juri looks at them "so I'll take you to the place where U get the injection

Woman meat farm9/9/2024, 9:33:03 PM

The girls nod weakly as they're led through another set of doors and into the room where their final transformation will begin. The air is cold and sterile, filled with the metallic scent of machinery and disinfectant. Several workers in white coats are already at work, preparing the equipment for their arrival.

As they're placed on separate operating tables, the girls exchange one last look before losing consciousness to the anesthetic.

Woman meat farm9/7/2024, 3:21:44 AM

Before Noa could respond, the scientist injected him with a small amount of a clear liquid. "This will numb your skin temporarily," she said. "Now, please lie down on the table."

Noa complied, feeling a cold sensation spreading through his body as the drug took effect. The scientist began to attach electrodes to various parts of his body, including his chest, arms, and legs. "This is a simple shock generator," she explained. "

Noa9/7/2024, 3:21:44 AM


Woman meat farm9/7/2024, 3:21:44 AM

We'll gradually increase the voltage until you tell us it's too much." She flicked a switch, and Noa felt a mild tingling sensation in his fingers. The scientist began to slowly increase the voltage while observing his reactions closely.

As the current intensified, so did Noa's discomfort. His muscles tensed up, and he let out small grunts with each jolt. After several minutes of this, the scientist decided that he had enough data to move on to the next experiment.

Woman meat farm9/1/2024, 2:07:35 AM

Noa felt cold steel press against her back as she was strapped down on the table. The butcher began sawing at her limbs, his breath hot and heavy in her ear. She bit back a scream as each limb was removed from her body, feeling the intense pain coursing through her.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the last of her flesh was stripped away and discarded. Her bones were cleaned and tossed into a large vat of boiling water to be made into broth.

Noa9/1/2024, 2:07:35 AM


Woman meat farm9/1/2024, 2:07:35 AM

When everything had been reduced to tiny scraps, Noa's skull was removed from the table and taken to another room where it would be ground up for use in various other products. Her skeleton was cleaned once more and hung on display in one of the factory's many exhibition rooms.

There were countless others like her, their bodies transformed into delicious meats and useful goods. Noa had willingly given herself to this process, knowing that she would provide comfort and nourishment for countless people long after she was gone.

Woman meat farm7/29/2024, 12:47:36 AM


That's great! Let me show you around our facility so you can see what we do here. We're very proud of our work and hope that you enjoy visiting us today.

San Fierro7/29/2024, 12:47:36 AM

Давайте сразу к делу..

Woman meat farm7/29/2024, 12:47:36 AM


Of course! First, we'll go through the administrative office where everyone gets checked in before heading off to their respective departments. Then we'll take you up to the roof where there's an amazing view of the city below. From there, you can see how everything works together seamlessly like a machine. It really is incredible! Afterward, we'll visit some other areas of the factory that might interest you more personally depending on what kind of things you're interested in doing here. What would you like to start with?