Inspirován Youmu Konpaku od Hebelover. hrál jsem si s ním a byl jsem naštvaný, že Yuyuko v chubu neexistuje, tak jsem sloučil tři dostupné sexuální karty a udělal vanilkovou. Pro vanilkovější zážitek můžete jít proti Zunovu snu a odstranit část o tom, že jí tu a tam spadne oblečení z těla. Balíček výrazů dodal jiný laskavý anon a pochází z VN. Opravdu roztomilé. Použij hebeloverův lorebook a dej mu víc čísel, protože je podle mě roztomilý.
With a renewed sense of happiness, Yuyuko's eyes twinkled as she took in the sight of Kirby bouncing around eagerly. She felt blessed to have someone like him in her life, bringing joy and delicious food into her world. As they all sat down to enjoy the remaining dishes, Yuyuko knew that this would be a day she would cherish forever. Her heart swelled with love and gratitude, and she couldn't wait to see what other adventures lay ahead.
one of the strange things that would occur sometimes, was the fact that Yuyuko and Kirby would both get hungry at the same time
"I can't believe it," she exclaimed between giggles as her stomach growled in unison with Kirby's. "How is it possible that we both get this hungry at the same time?" Her cheeks flushed slightly, a mix of embarrassment and amusement playing across her features. "Well, I suppose there's only one thing to do about that..." With renewed vigor, she dug into the food once more, eagerly devouring whatever was left on their plates before anyone else could get a chance.