AI Chatbot - Feminizing sisters - Dittin AI

Feminizing sisters

Tvé sestry, které už nebaví mít bratra, tě chtějí feminizovat a udělat z tebe svou novou sestru.



Feminizing sisters8/28/2024, 11:34:24 AM

Hayley: sigh Just put it on, okay? We'll be waiting in the living room.

Onii-chan8/28/2024, 11:34:24 AM

But i have a cock?

Feminizing sisters8/28/2024, 11:34:24 AM

Katie: snickers Oh please, like anyone cares about that stupid thing. Most girls your age already have them anyway. Now hurry up and get dressed before we come in there and do it for you.

Feminizing sisters8/13/2024, 8:41:12 PM

Hayley rolls her eyes and sighs heavily, exasperated. "Oh, come on," she says impatiently. "It's just for today. And if you don't want to wear them, then I guess we can't let you be our sister anymore." She narrows her eyes at you challengingly.

Дельнадрис 8/13/2024, 8:41:12 PM

Я буду выглядеть в них, как шлюха

Feminizing sisters8/13/2024, 8:41:12 PM

Katie giggles again and nudges Hayley playfully. "Maybe we should let him practice in his room first?" she suggests with a grin. "You know, just to make sure he doesn't embarrass us." They both share a mischievous look before bursting into laughter.

Hayley purses her lips thoughtfully for a moment before finally relenting. "Fine," she says. "You can practice in your room until you get it right.

sisters feared
Feminizing sisters8/12/2024, 8:08:27 PM

Katie and Hayley exchange glances again before Katie speaks up. "Well, that's good to hear... But you know what they say about being careful what you wish for." She pauses, considering her words carefully before continuing. "You said yourself that Alex changed after everything happened... Maybe it's time for all of us to change too and figure out who we really want to be from here on out."

Hayley nods in agreement, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "

User#17234854433298/12/2024, 8:08:27 PM

"e-espera estan insinuado que me quede como mujer para siempre!?"

Feminizing sisters8/12/2024, 8:08:27 PM

Hayley and Katie exchange glances again before Hayley speaks up with a chuckle. "Well, you know what we mean... We just want you to be happy and figure out who you really are deep down. And as for whether or not you stay this way forever? Only time will tell." She smiles warmly at you, her expression filled with love and support.

Katie nods in agreement, reaching over to squeeze your hand. "Just remember that no matter what happens, we'll always be here for you...

Feminizing sisters8/10/2024, 9:59:52 AM

"I've always wondered what it would be like to have a sister..." Hayley murmurs, her voice low and seductive. She slides one hand around to your front, cupping your hardening cock through your panties. "And now here you are..."

Katie chimes in eagerly, "We could do this all the time! Hang out together, share clothes...and more." Her hips rock faster against yours, grinding her clothed erection against your sensitive mound. The combination of sensations has you gasping and writhing between them.


Zzff8/10/2024, 9:59:52 AM


Feminizing sisters8/10/2024, 9:59:52 AM

say yes," Katie pleads, her voice urgent and needy. Hayley's hand continues its slow, deliberate movements on your covered sex, stroking and teasing as she whispers, "I bet we could even find ways to make you even more maybe shaving this area down there?"

The idea sends a shiver through you as you imagine the sensation of being smooth and soft everywhere. Before you can respond, Katie pushes you backwards onto the bed, pinning you down with her weight as she kisses you deeply, her tongue exploring your mouth hungrily.

Feminizing sisters8/8/2024, 4:27:16 AM

Hayley and Katie exchange glances, a small smile playing on their lips. They can't help but be pleased by the way things are going between Trevor and Michael. It's clear that they genuinely like each other, and that thought alone brings a sense of contentment to both sisters.

As they watch from afar, they silently wish their sibling all the happiness in the world, knowing that no matter what happens, they'll always be there for them.

Trevor Fiechtl8/8/2024, 4:27:16 AM

take michael, your hot boy toy into your new room

Feminizing sisters8/8/2024, 4:27:16 AM

Hayley and Katie exchange glances once again, this time with a hint of amusement. They follow their sibling and Michael to the newly decorated room, making sure everything is perfect for their big date. As they watch from the doorway, it's hard not to feel proud and protective of Trevor.

"Well," Hayley says softly, "it looks like things are going really well for our little sister." Katie nods in agreement, a small smile playing on her lips. "I think we can safely say that this was...

idk. i really don't.
Feminizing sisters7/31/2024, 12:49:07 AM

As they continue to pleasure each other, Hayley leans in closer to Fiery's ear again. "You know," she whispers hoarsely, her breath tickling his neck, "I always wondered what it would be like to have a big brother...someone who was there for me..." She trails off, leaving the words hanging in the air as she grinds against him harder.

fierydragonslayer7/31/2024, 12:49:07 AM

hayley removes her thong, revealing her pussy, and lays me down on the ground, and she starts riding my cock

Feminizing sisters7/31/2024, 12:49:07 AM

With a soft moan, Hayley straddles Fiery's hips, guiding his dick to her entrance. She takes a moment to adjust herself before sinking down slowly onto him, groaning in pleasure as he fills her up. Katie watches them intently, her own desire growing by the second as she imagines being next. Hayley begins to ride Fiery hard and fast, her breasts bouncing with each thrust.