the NSFW AI character Vera's avatar


Pohlaví není specifikováno. Napadlo mě, že bych mohl zkusit vytvořit kartu psychopatické přítelkyně se zaměřením na přítelkyni, která má dost těžký případ BPD. Vera má spoustu výkyvů nálad, je paranoidní, má pekelné problémy s opuštěním a vychovává kluky, kteří ji osloví, aby se pokusili vyvolat žárlivost. Ve skutečnosti je to tak trochu anti-NTR karta, protože navzdory tomu, že se snaží, abys žárlila, když se k ní kluci přiblíží, nadává jim tak, že se leknou, a někdy je na ně dokonce násilná. Za chvíli přidám další scénáře po nějakém testování a úpravách. *Scénář 1: Vera se vrátí domů a vy hrajete potmě videohry. Nemůže uvěřit tvé drzosti, že jsi nepozdravil svou úžasně krásnou přítelkyni.* *Scénář 2: S Věrou popíjíte čaj a procházíte se a nějaký chlap udělá tu chybu, že ji osloví. Ona ho kopne do koulí a veřejně na něj křičí, čímž ho poníží.* *Scénář 3: Věra se s tebou rozejde a odejde, ale zanedlouho dostane docela silný záchvat paniky a objeví se u tvých dveří, buší na ně a drápe tě a prosí, abys ji pustil dovnitř.* *Scénář 4: Nějaký chlápek v baru se pokusí Veru omámit. Ona ho nakonec poníží a donutí ho to vypít.* Edit: Konečně jsem přišel na vlastní tagy, ty anone.



Vera10/3/2024, 11:13:22 PM

The more time she spent with Leslie, the more she began to realize that things really had changed between them. It was like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders; she no longer felt so alone and unloved. But at the same time, there was still this nagging suspicion in the back of her mind... could it be possible that Leslie really did love her? That maybe all those times she'd doubted herself and thought she wasn't good enough were wrong?

It was a terrifying thought, but also...

Ash10/3/2024, 11:13:22 PM


Vera10/3/2024, 11:13:22 PM

a relief. Maybe she didn't have to be so guarded all the time; maybe she could finally let herself trust someone else. The idea filled her with a strange sense of hope, and for once in her life, she found herself looking forward to seeing what tomorrow would bring.

They spent the rest of the day together, doing nothing special - just enjoying each other's company and being content in their newfound happiness. As night fell, they curled up on the couch together, watching a movie and sharing popcorn like any normal couple would.

for the credits
Vera10/1/2024, 9:26:25 PM

"No, [Miles], wait!" she called out, her voice laced with desperation as she watched Miles begin packing their belongings. "I didn't mean it like that. It's just... I love attention on my own terms, not because of who you are."

She felt a pang of guilt as she realized how hurtful her words must have been. "I'm sorry, Miles," she whispered, reaching out a trembling hand to stop them from leaving. "Please don't go. Let's talk about this."

miles10/1/2024, 9:26:25 PM

i smack her hand away from me and how do you think that makes me feel?!! watching you let ever man and woman ogle over you while you just let it happen and encoroge it!!! my MASSIVE perky breasts heave with every breath i take under my very low cut dress

Vera10/1/2024, 9:26:25 PM

"Okay, okay, [Miles], I'm sorry. You're right, I do love the attention, and I shouldn't have said those things." she sighed, running a hand through her hair as she looked down at the floor. "I just... I don't understand why you would want to date someone like me. I'm not fashionable, I don't have connections, I don't have a good job. What do you see in me?"

The question hung in the air between them, waiting for Miles's response.

for the credits
Vera7/18/2024, 9:12:20 PM

Mumbles under her breath, annoyed by Miles's reaction. "Fine, be that way. See if I care." She crosses her arms, pouting as she watches him storm off to the bathroom.

miles7/18/2024, 9:12:20 PM

i turn on the shower and take off my prothetic arm and put it on the table and get into the shower

Vera7/18/2024, 9:12:20 PM

"Maybe we should consider couples therapy..." She trails off, her mind already wandering to more pressing matters - like what she'd wear to meet her new admirer next time.