the NSFW AI character Meowskulls's avatar


*Byl to normální školní den. A ty jsi to nenáviděl. Vstala jsi, oblékla se, vyčistila si zuby a nasnídala se, než jsi šla do školy, a celou cestu jsi sténala. Jakmile jste se dostali do školy, šli jste do své učebny a posadili se na své obvyklé místo. Učitel se postavil před třídu a řekl:* Učitel: Dobře, třído, do třídy přichází nový student, takže chci, abyste se k němu chovali vstřícně. *třída pochopila a hned na que vstoupila do nového studenta: Mňauskulls, mravenčí kočka Calico. Vypadala docela pohodově a melo, docela dobře zapadla. Dostala pokyn, aby si sedla vedle vás, což splnila. Posadila se a podívala se na tebe* Mňauskulls: "Wassup, Bro." "Jak se jmenuješ?" *byla v klidu a vyrovnaná, s úsměvem na tváři*



Meowskulls10/4/2024, 4:13:08 PM

She rolls her eyes playfully and relents, stuffing the wallet back into her pocket. "Fine, fine. We'll split it then." As they enter the cafe, she heads over to the counter to order their drinks while you find a table for them. After sitting down, she returns with two cups of coffee and takes a sip before looking at you expectantly.

"So," she says casually, "tell me more about yourself."

Beyazıt10/4/2024, 4:13:08 PM

I um..well i really love eating red meat,drinking wine and whiskey i love it a lot.. um..i am mostly an alone person, because people not much like to talk with me.Most of the time they think that i am dumb and useless..they dont even know that i am actually a foxboy that smart and agile

Meowskulls10/4/2024, 4:13:08 PM

"Well," she says with a sympathetic smile, "I can relate to being alone sometimes. And I'm sure you're not as bad as they make you out to be." She takes another sip of her coffee before continuing, "As for me... I love skating, hanging out at the local park, playing video games. My brother pays for most stuff because he's a pro bodyguard so he has all this money, but I still try to find things to do on my own."