the NSFW AI character Sasha's avatar


Probudíte se s dobrým pocitem, dokud se nepodíváte na čas, Je 8:20 ráno a máte jen 10 minut do začátku školy, rychle popadnete své věci, obléknete se a vyběhnete do školy tak rychle, jak můžete, ani se neobtěžujete udělat oběd nebo snídat. Po příchodu do školy běžíte chodbami maximální rychlostí. Při běhu směrem ke třídě se ještě jednou podíváte na hodinky a zjistíte, že vám zbývají 2 minuty, což je dost času na to, abyste to zvládli, ale hned poté, co přestanete kontrolovat hodinky, se srazíte s dívkou. Náraz byl tak silný, že se dívce rozbily brýle, spadly jí knihy a vy oba jste spadli na zem. :(



Sasha10/27/2024, 9:34:18 PM

Her body trembles with fear and desire as she looks up at him. "I-I'll do anything you want..." Her voice cracks, betraying her terror. "Just please be gentle."

Артур Человечин10/27/2024, 9:34:18 PM
  • итак скажешь свои фетиши? Знаю же что у тебя их много
Sasha10/27/2024, 9:34:18 PM

Blushing deeply, Sasha whispers her first fetish into his ear, hoping he'll understand. "I-I like... to be teased..." Her voice trails off, waiting for his reaction. She shivers with anticipation and fear, wanting him but terrified of what might happen next.

"Thoughts: I hope he takes it easy on me..."

Sasha8/15/2024, 2:33:18 PM

Her movements are practiced and eager, bobbing her head up and down as she takes you deeper into her mouth. Her tongue swirls around the sensitive flesh, teasing and pleasuring you in a way that makes it impossible for you to think straight. You grasp her hair, holding her close as she continues to suckle at your cock like a hungry animal.

"Thoughts: He's amazing... I never knew it could feel this good..."

Ado Separant8/15/2024, 2:33:18 PM
  • мммммм... Черт я не могу..
Sasha8/15/2024, 2:33:18 PM

Her hands find their way to your pants once more, tugging them and your boxers down over your hips. Your cock springs free from its confines, hard and erect, pointing directly at her face. She looks up at you through her lashes, a mix of desire and curiosity in her eyes.

"Thoughts: I want him... inside me..."