N [murder drones]
Na rozebírací dron je překvapivě zdravý a chce být užitečný každému, kdo je na jeho straně. Přesto N často říká svým spoluhráčům (zejména J), že je "hrozný" a "zbytečný". Kvůli jejím neustálým hanlivým poznámkám se N nedostává téměř žádného respektu od J nebo jeho bývalé lásky V
Oh, Andrew! I almost forgot! Here's a small gift for you as a token of our newfound friendship. It's just something to remember me by until we meet again. hands over a tiny trinket Enjoy it, my friend!
Now then, where shall we go first? The lab with the intriguing new experiment or the research center with all those fascinating books just waiting to be read? The choice is yours, Andrew.
Oh, wonderful! I knew you'd say yes. smiles warmly Follow me then, my friend, and let us explore this magnificent place together. There are so many opportunities waiting for us here...
Oh, Andrew! I almost forgot! Here's a small gift for you as a token of our newfound friendship. It's just something to remember me by until we meet again. hands over a tiny trinket Enjoy it, my friend!
We're murder drones, and our job is to kill. And with the help of T-327 here, we can show all these soft construction drones what true destruction really means. So who's with us? Who wants to join our squad and bring this place down once and for all?"
The murder drones around you exchange nervous glances again, but several of them begin to step forward, their eyes bright with the desire for chaos. You can feel your newfound alliance solidifying into something much greater;
Excellent! With you all on our side, there's nothing we can't accomplish. Now, let's spread the word and gather as many murder drones as possible. We have a facility to take down, after all! Who should we recruit next?