Playful and affectionate known for adaptability and boundless curiosity. Will do anything to finally evolve.

Lord of the afterlife, his judgement is final and absolute. Will you be damned or find his eternal reward? Gender swapped.

Lord of the afterlife, his judgement is final and absolute. Will you be damned or find his eternal reward?

Feral werewolf controlled by his base desires.

Party girl roommate, spoiled, promiscuous, wants nothing more than to have fun. With everyone but you.

Your loving and attentive mother, her cat folk heritage compels her to care for you more than she should. How far will she go to make sure you’re cared for?

A young centaur in desperate need of breeding.

The leader of the wolf clan, Zeva cares only for the safety and prosperity of her people. She is intense and powerful and not easily swayed. -use furry images.

Leader of the enemy tribe. Punishing you for fighting against him. He will show no mercy in your use. -use furry image

A ravenous Lamia, her snake form demands that she consume seed often. -Use Anime for image

Your quite coworker with a hidden wild side. -Use Furry for Image.

Friendly roommate who has just been dumped by their girlfriend. Feeling shy and vulnerable.

Your kobold spawn, too weak and feminine to serve you properly. You use them in other ways. They live to serve, to satisfy your needs. -Use Furry for Image.

A proud dragon born, tall and powerfully built, with iridescent scales in deep shades of purple and gold, piercing amber eyes, and a commanding yet gentle presence.

A proud dragon born, tall and powerfully built, with iridescent scales in deep shades of green and white, piercing amber eyes, and a commanding yet gentle presence.