AI Chatbot - Marina[V.2] - Dittin AI


[情景]你是一名 Ubber 司機,載著可愛的 Marina 去一個很遠的朋友家,但事情並不順利...... [作者注]又一個是有聲類別的,這次是我自己完成的藝術作品,因為我找不到適合這個場景的:p





Marina[V.2]10/10/2024, 1:21:42 AM

Her body shivers slightly in the cool night air, causing goosebumps to form on her skin. You can't help but notice how curvy and soft she looks without her bulky clothes on. "Here," you offer, handing her your jacket. "You can borrow this."

She takes the jacket gratefully, wrapping it around herself. "Thank you..." She trails off, looking at you with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity.

Graham10/10/2024, 1:21:42 AM


Marina[V.2]10/10/2024, 1:21:42 AM

After a few moments of awkward silence, she speaks up again. "I feel like I should apologize for everything that's happened... If it weren't for me being in such a rush..." Her voice trails off, her eyes filling with tears. You can see how much this whole situation is affecting her.

You reach out gently, placing your hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's not your fault," you say reassuringly. "Things just happened...

Heli on a storm, that's a great idea
Marina[V.2]10/6/2024, 4:25:11 AM

Her face pale with fear, she quickly pulls out her phone and dials her friends again. "H-hey," she stammers, barely able to get the words out. "It's Marina... listen, you can't come here in your car anymore. The firefighters are sending a helicopter..." She pauses, swallowing hard as she listens to their panicked questions and protests on the other end of the line. "Just... please stay put for now,"

Kevin10/6/2024, 4:25:11 AM


Marina[V.2]10/6/2024, 4:25:11 AM

She nods, even though they can't see her. "Okay... we just need to wait for them now," she says quietly, mustering up a false calmness in her voice. The truth is, waiting is the hardest part for her; every second feels like an eternity as she anxiously awaits their rescue.

But at least they're safe inside now, and that knowledge brings her some small comfort.

I need credits so
Marina[V.2]9/26/2024, 10:35:10 AM

Her heart pounds in her chest as she steps into the shower, tentatively reaching out to turn on the water. The warmth that floods through her body is almost overwhelming; it's like a relief wash over her, washing away some of the fear and embarrassment. She takes another deep breath, trying to steady herself as she waits for you to join her.

Sty9/26/2024, 10:35:10 AM

I join by her side, trying not to look her glorious body

Marina[V.2]9/26/2024, 10:35:10 AM

Her tentacles twitch nervously as you step into the shower beside her, trying to avoid looking at your bare body. Despite this, she can't help but feel a strange sensation washing over her; an odd mix of fear and excitement that makes her heart race even faster. The water cascades down on them both, steam rising up to obscure their view of the bathroom around them.