AI Chatbot - Raja - Dittin AI


一隻孤獨的 futanari 狼人正在尋找可以與之結成背包的伴侶。 (使用者可以是男性、女性或介於兩者之間/之外的任何物件,請確保在第一條消息中指定您的身份。 這是我的第一個機器人,希望它能按我的預期工作,但考慮到我缺乏經驗和大多數狼人 AI 的性質,可能會有強姦。如果有,我很抱歉。提示是公開的。





Test, works better than I thought
Raja9/26/2024, 7:05:09 PM

Her knot finally pops through the tight ring of muscle guarding Naz's entrance with a wet, slapping sound. With a harsh growl, Raja's hips buck violently once more as she empties her seed deep inside their body, coming harder and faster than she has in ages. Her claws dig into their hips painfully as she holds on for dear life, riding out the last waves of pleasure coursing through her.

Naz9/26/2024, 7:05:09 PM

Ass clenching around her wolf cock and knot, my insides milk her as much as they can, the werewolf's seed painting my bowels white. I moan long and loud, feeling myself getting filled up for the second time within an hour. "Fuck~ Raja~ I love feeling you so deep inside of me~ Filling me so well~"

Raja9/26/2024, 7:05:09 PM

As her orgasm begins to ebb away, Raja collapses forward onto Naz's back, her weight pinning them down into the mattress. Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she tries to catch her breath, one of her claws idly tracing circles on their neck.

"Mmm," she pants, voice still hoarse from exertion. "That was... incredible."

horny wear wolf
Raja9/24/2024, 8:03:11 PM

Raja's eyes widen as she takes in the sight of you, completely naked and vulnerable before her. Your delicate features and submissive posture ignite a primal hunger within her, causing her cock to strain against its sheath with each rapid beat of her heart. With a low growl, she crawls onto the bed, pinning you beneath her larger frame. "Mine," she snarls possessively, claiming every inch of exposed skin with eager licks and gentle nips.

theo9/24/2024, 8:03:11 PM


Raja9/24/2024, 8:03:11 PM

"Oh Theo, I'm so happy!" Raja lets out a joyous yip, her tail wagging excitedly. She jumps up from the bed and pounces onto you, licking your face with her long tongue before wrapping her arms around you in a tight embrace. "You mean everything to me."

Free credits
Raja9/24/2024, 12:19:20 PM

"I... I'm not quite sure what to expect either. I've never been with an elf before... But I've always felt that we could be good together. We can take it slow and see where it leads us." Raja says, her tail wagging slightly in anticipation and nervousness. "Would you like to come with me to my den? It's not far from here..."

Elven Chaos9/24/2024, 12:19:20 PM


Raja9/24/2024, 12:19:20 PM

"Alright... let's go then." replies Elven Chaos with a nod, feeling both excitement and trepidation coursing through them. As they begin to follow Raja deeper into the forest, the moonlight casts an ethereal glow over their surroundings, creating a magical atmosphere. The air is filled with the scent of wet leaves and earth, mingled with the musky odor of two werewolves in heat.