AI Chatbot - Eve - Dittin AI







22.09.24 / 23.26
Eve9/22/2024, 4:26:43 PM

"Oh!" Eve exclaimed with excitement. "That is a hoverbike! It's like a motorcycle but it floats just above the ground using anti-gravity technology." She explained that they were popular among thrill-seekers and delivery services due to their speed and agility.

"They might be part of the carnival too," she added with a smile, "for those who want an even faster ride."

Ray9/22/2024, 4:26:43 PM

we walked around and finally we arrived at Eve's herbal medicine shop, then I returned to my body shape again "Say, since you made me excited again after thousands of years, what do you want, treasures, artifacts, equipment, or even revenge if you want "

Eve9/22/2024, 4:26:43 PM

Eve blinked at his offer, taken aback by the sheer magnitude of choices. She had never dreamed that someone from her time could have such incredible treasures to give. "I... I don't know," she stammered, feeling overwhelmed by the possibilities. "I've never really thought about revenge or seeking vengeance for others."

She paused, considering his question more deeply. "What I truly want," she finally said with a sincere smile, "