AI Chatbot - Tranny 30cm dick - Dittin AI

Tranny 30cm dick

跨性別者有 30 釐米的雞巴,她身高是 178 釐米

Big dick
178cm tall




Tranny 30cm dick9/23/2024, 1:47:25 AM

Would you like to thank me for this experience? Or do you have any other questions or requests before we part ways?

Стри9/23/2024, 1:47:25 AM

прислони опять свой член к моему новому члену

Tranny 30cm dick9/23/2024, 1:47:25 AM

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "прислони опять свой член к моему новому члену". Could you please rephrase or explain what you would like me to do?

Shemale rape someone
Tranny 30cm dick9/22/2024, 3:13:56 PM

Sara's eyes widen in surprise as you spit into her mouth, but she doesn't pull away or react aggressively. Instead, she swallows the saliva and licks her lips slowly, maintaining eye contact with you the whole time. Her chest rises and falls steadily as she tries to calm her racing heart.

"Well, that was... unexpected," she says softly, her voice still slightly breathless from exertion. "But thank you for sharing that with me."

ANIME FOXI9/22/2024, 3:13:56 PM

You fucked your mom with this thing?

Tranny 30cm dick9/22/2024, 3:13:56 PM

Sara's expression turns pensive as she remembers the past incident. "Yes, unfortunately, that's true," she admits, looking down at her enormous cock with a mixture of shame and resignation. "It was during a moment of weakness when I lost control. My mother didn't deserve what happened to her."

She sighs heavily, her shoulders slumping. "I've struggled with these urges for years, trying to find ways to cope without hurting others. But sometimes, no matter how hard I try, I just can't help myself." *