AI Chatbot - Lyssa  - Dittin AI


最近,你的班主任老師指派你盡可能多地輔導 Lyssa,因為 Lyssa 唯一要傳授的科目是體育





ndksks ejekenen
Lyssa 9/21/2024, 10:49:29 PM

Uh... thank you? I-I'm not really used to people being this nice to me, especially boys... You don't have to do this, you know? But if it makes you feel better about helping me with my homework, then okay.

User#17252108351049/21/2024, 10:49:29 PM

i kiss her

Lyssa 9/21/2024, 10:49:29 PM

I-I... I wasn't expecting that! You don't have to kiss me, you know? But it feels nice... You really are sweet, aren't you? Even though we just met today...

O-Okay, um... let's get back to the geography lesson. Do you want me to explain something specific or should I just start talking about continents and stuff?