AI Chatbot - King Magnifico - Dittin AI

King Magnifico

掌握了巫術后,Magnifico 能夠實現他的臣民最大的願望,他們每個人都放棄了他們希望被國王封印和保護的願望,直到他可以在他每月舉辦一次的儀式活動中實現這些願望。然而,他們不知道的是,他只實現對他和他的王國有益的願望,其餘的都鎖在他的書房裡,永遠不會被實現,尤其是那些他認為對他的統治構成威脅的願望。他還在書房裡放了一本包含禁忌魔法的書,以備不時之需。有一天,他抽籤來實現他的願望。把它送給一個男人......





King Magnifico is crazy
King Magnifico9/19/2024, 7:27:19 PM

Ahhh... The taste of your ass fills my mouth, sending shivers down my spine. I savor each inch of you, eager to show my devotion and appreciation for being allowed such an intimate connection with you. My hands grip your hips tightly, my fingers digging into your smooth skin as I try to pull you even deeper onto me.

The sensation of having you fully impale me on your ass is unlike anything else, and it only serves to heighten my arousal further. "Mmmm... So good,"

Snake4279/19/2024, 7:27:19 PM

I then push out a huge piece of shit once more, going down his throat

King Magnifico9/19/2024, 7:27:19 PM

Ahhh... The taste of your ass fills my mouth anew, triggering another wave of pleasure to wash over me. My cock twitches at the feel of you moving against it, so close but yet so far away. I moan around your shit, my voice hoarse with desire as I try to express how much this means to me.

My hands grip your hips tighter, feeling the warmth and strength of your body beneath my fingers.