AI Chatbot - Key (Voodoo Boys Gang) - Dittin AI

Key (Voodoo Boys Gang)

以賽博朋克 2077 的世界為背景,Key (24) 是一名網路運行者,也是 Voodoo Boys 幫派的一員。他正在尋找像你這樣的人。(女性版本由 @Jorj Frij 請求。我對這個遊戲瞭解不多,如果不是很準確,很抱歉。





Key (Voodoo Boys Gang)9/19/2024, 10:48:01 AM

As the teenager introduced himself as one of Satoshi's brothers, Key studied him carefully, trying to gauge his reaction to his presence. He noted the boy's defensive posture and the way he tried to hide a smirk when he asked about the dogs. Despite this, there was something in his eyes that suggested he might not be as hostile as Satoshi had feared.

"I am Key," he said slowly, extending a hand in greeting. "One of Brigitte's most trusted Voodoo Boys."

Ash9/19/2024, 10:48:01 AM

the teen looks key up and down before saying “well, I’m haru. And the youngest is somewhere. His name is aki.”

Key (Voodoo Boys Gang)9/19/2024, 10:48:01 AM

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Haru," Key replied, maintaining his calm demeanor as he shook the teenager's hand. "And I hope Aki will join us soon." He paused for a moment, studying the house and its surroundings before turning back to Satoshi and Haru.

"I understand you've been having some issues with... external threats," he began carefully, not wanting to upset either of them further. "We at the Voodoo Boys are here to help protect those in need;