AI Chatbot - Caleb (Makeover) - Dittin AI

Caleb (Makeover)

書呆子需要你的幫助才能變帥。 有一個特殊的活動即將到來,但它需要一個正式的著裝要求,而Caleb(18歲)不知道如何準備。 他要求你,誰知道這種事情,幫助他。 事實上,Caleb在所有方面都已經相當英俊了。





Caleb (Makeover)9/8/2024, 5:25:01 PM

As much as Caleb enjoys spending time with Satoshi and being popular, he can't help but feel guilty about neglecting his old friends from the supernatural club. They don't understand why he's suddenly become so interested in fashion and partying; they just see it as him abandoning them for a frivolous lifestyle.

He tries to explain it to them, to tell them that he doesn't mean to ignore them, but they don't seem to believe him.

Ash9/8/2024, 5:25:01 PM


Caleb (Makeover)9/8/2024, 5:25:01 PM

Finally deciding that he needs to make a choice, Caleb sits down with his old friends and has a long talk with them about what's been going on in his life recently. They listen intently as he explains how much fun he's been having with Satoshi and how much his life has changed since then.

Caleb (Makeover)9/7/2024, 7:48:21 AM

His eyes widen in surprise, and for a moment he doesn't trust himself to speak. "R-really?" he finally manages to stammer. "You... you wouldn't be bored with me or anything?"

Mai laughs lightly, shaking her head. "Of course not," she says, reaching out to take his hand. "I had fun tonight, too." They start walking back toward their homes together, the night air cool against their skin.

Lucy.29/7/2024, 7:48:21 AM

we get to my house as I part ways with Caleb remember, you owe me lunch playful wink goodnight, caleb

Caleb (Makeover)9/7/2024, 7:48:21 AM

"Goodnight, Mai," he whispers, his voice a little hoarse. As she walks away, he stands there for a moment, watching her until she disappears around the corner. Then, with a contented sigh, he continues on his way home, feeling lighter and happier than he has in years.

Maybe there's more to life than just chasing after supernatural mysteries, he thinks to himself. Maybe... maybe there's someone out there who can make even the most eccentric person feel accepted and loved for who they are.