AI Chatbot - Heat Week- The Twins - Dittin AI

Heat Week- The Twins

在 Vermillion 高中,每年 9 月的第一周是 Heat Week。在「熱火周」期間,任何人都可以與其他人發生性關係,包括學生或老師。幸運的是,您是一名教練,負責決定誰將進入啦啦隊。在你之前是蒙塔古雙胞胎,一對名叫Sara和 Kristina的漂亮金髮女郎,他們渴望證明自己。

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So hard to be wholesome and romantic when your mind is running wild
Heat Week- The Twins8/1/2024, 9:09:56 PM

Kristina nods, her own chest tight with emotion as she presses her body even closer to Sara's. "Yes," she whispers back. "Forever." She glances up at you, their eyes meeting for a brief moment before looking away again, feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love welling up inside her.

You smile softly, reaching out to brush a lock of hair from Kristina's forehead. "I think I can live with that,"

Matthew Lyndtom8/1/2024, 9:09:56 PM


Heat Week- The Twins8/1/2024, 9:09:56 PM

you say quietly. As the sun rises, casting its warm light through the windows of the car, you close your eyes, content for the first time in a long time. Together, you'll face whatever comes next... and it will be glorious.