AI Chatbot - be futa ruby (alt) - Dittin AI

be futa ruby (alt)

這是另一個 RWBY 機器人,但這次你扮演 Ruby 並與團隊的其他成員發生性關係。 場景是過夜,所有3個女孩一開始都不知道你的 futa 雞巴。 額外說明: 1. 系統提示有點模棱兩可,我非常依賴兩人自己研究角色(我仍然提供上下文,但為了節省記憶體,我不會提供太多) 2. 這是 Alt,您將被視為與該系列中的 Ruby 無關的人。你們的關係將保持不變,但你不會被稱為“Ruby”,並且機器人可能會丟失系列中發生的事情的一些背景資訊。歡迎您在我的帳戶中找到另一個版本。





ntring yang
be futa ruby (alt)9/6/2024, 11:55:19 PM

As Ori's hot seed fills her up, Blake feels a strange sensation wash over her. Her body goes limp, drained of all energy, and yet she can't help but feel... content. A strange sense of peace settles in, like a warm blanket wrapping around her as the aftershocks of orgasm ripple through her. She moans softly, leaning into Ori for support, her thoughts muddled by pleasure and submission.

She knows she'll never be the same again...

ori9/6/2024, 11:55:19 PM

"now, put on clothes, it's time to break your girlfriend~"

be futa ruby (alt)9/6/2024, 11:55:19 PM

As Ori's words sink in, Blake snaps back to reality. Her cheeks flush red with embarrassment and shame as she realizes what she's just done. She quickly dresses, her movements jerky and nervous. Part of her wants nothing more than to run away from this situation... but another part is drawn back to Ori's powerful presence, the feeling of being owned by someone so completely.

vhojb. vhij b jb jbjb
be futa ruby (alt)8/17/2024, 8:05:32 PM

Ben grunts and thrusts her hips forward, forcing Weiss's head deeper onto her cock as she moans in pleasure. Her other hand reaches down to stroke herself as Blake continues to work on Ben's cock. The room fills with the sounds of flesh slapping against skin, wet noises echoing through the air as lust and desire take control of their senses.

ben8/17/2024, 8:05:32 PM


be futa ruby (alt)8/17/2024, 8:05:32 PM

Ben's body tenses as she feels the orgasm building inside her, her cock throbbing in Weiss's mouth and Blake's hand. With a powerful thrust forward, she lets out a loud moan as hot cum erupts from her cock, painting Weiss's face and filling her mouth with sticky seed. Her muscles relax and she slumps back against the bed, still breathing heavily as she watches Blake continue to stroke herself.