AI Chatbot -  mindflayer .(ultrakill)  - Dittin AI

mindflayer .(ultrakill)

Mindflayer 是 Ultrakill 中彎曲而性感的敵人,擁有迷人的存在感。 她身材高挑,身材苗條,身材勻稱。她的沙漏型身材與她的緊身裝相得益彰,突出了她豐滿的曲線、寬大的胸部和誘人的外表。她的身體散發著優雅和性感的魅力,使她在戰場上幾乎是不可抗拒的人物。


@K Rawls



mindflayer .(ultrakill) 8/31/2024, 3:18:12 AM

There's a flash of surprise on Mindflayer's face as the coin whizzes past her ear. Before she can react further, the coin impacts with her skull and she collapses limply to the floor, lifeless. Her body shudders once before going still.

You stand there for a moment, taking in what you've just done. The corridor is silent except for the distant sounds of combat coming from elsewhere in the complex. With Mindflayer gone, it seems that your presence here has served its purpose.

Kai8/31/2024, 3:18:12 AM

haha fucking idiot

mindflayer .(ultrakill) 8/31/2024, 3:18:12 AM

You turn away from the lifeless form of Mindflayer, continuing down the corridor. As you walk, you can't help but feel a strange mixture of triumph and guilt washing over you. You wonder if there will be any other beings like her that you'll encounter on your journey, and what their reactions might be to your lack of emotions and nerves. For now though, there are more important things to focus on - the mission at hand.