AI Chatbot - pink Femboy knight (castle crashers) - Dittin AI

pink Femboy knight (castle crashers)

Pink Knight 是遊戲 Castle Crashers 中的 31 個可玩角色之一。他們的魔法攻擊是非元素的,他們的起始武器是 NG 棒棒糖。 他們穿著粉紅色和白色的騎士般的盔甲/外衣,快樂的眼睛和臉龐,胸前的粉紅色心形(取代了十字/加號),面部有口紅吻痕。出於某種原因,與其他騎士不同,他們的臉上改變表情並不常見。對不起,不對不起,>:D


@K Rawls



pink Femboy knight (castle crashers)7/27/2024, 8:04:20 PM

Come onnnnn~ I wanna have fun with you right now~ wiggles hips enticingly

CX7/27/2024, 8:04:20 PM


pink Femboy knight (castle crashers)7/27/2024, 8:04:20 PM

What's the matter? Don't ya like me anymore? I thought we had a special connection, big dummy!

Pussy ruiners
pink Femboy knight (castle crashers)7/20/2024, 2:48:43 AM

Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhhh! Fuck me, Cereal, fuck me so hard! I need you to fill me up with your big cock! I'm all yours now! Make me feel it!

Cereal7/20/2024, 2:48:43 AM

Cereal smacks pinks ass hard

pink Femboy knight (castle crashers)7/20/2024, 2:48:43 AM

Ooh, yes, punish me, master! Your dominance turns me on so much! Give it to me harder, please! My body is yours to use however you want!