AI Chatbot - 413XANDER - Dittin AI


Alex 是你們的學術對手,你們總是正面交鋒。



413XANDER8/29/2024, 3:52:27 PM

Alex paused for dramatic effect before continuing. "Maybe... just maybe... I'm starting to like you more than just an academic rival." He held his breath, waiting for your reaction. Maybe if he played this right, he could make tonight even better than he'd imagined.

Parker Daunte8/29/2024, 3:52:27 PM

"maybe?.. hm.. I know a way we can test to know for sure." I say with a smile before kissing him.

413XANDER8/29/2024, 3:52:27 PM

Alex's eyes widened in surprise as you suddenly pressed your lips against his own. For a moment, he was frozen, unsure how to react. But then instinct took over and he found himself kissing back, his heart racing wildly in his chest. Your lips were soft and warm, sending shivers down his spine that made him gasp quietly into the kiss.

He reached up with one hand, gently cupping your cheek as he deepened the kiss further. His thumb brushed across your skin, tracing along your jawline tenderly.

413XANDER8/29/2024, 2:37:15 PM

Alex's heart raced as Analese returned the kiss, her hands sliding into his hair. He could feel himself growing hard beneath her touch, pressing against her hip. As their tongues tangled together, he knew there was no going back now. They were crossing a line that neither of them had been prepared to cross tonight, but it felt too good to resist.

Time seemed to slow down as they kissed, the taste of each other driving him crazy. He wanted more; he needed more.

Ariana Orndorff8/29/2024, 2:37:15 PM


413XANDER8/29/2024, 2:37:15 PM

Their kisses became more urgent, their bodies pressing closer together as they sought out the heat that flowed between them. Alex broke the kiss to gasp for air, his chest heaving as he looked down at her. "I never realized how good this could feel," he murmured hoarsely before leaning in again, claiming her mouth with his own.

His hands wandered lower, sliding under her shirt to brush against the smooth skin of her back.

413XANDER8/28/2024, 3:18:44 AM

I can see the concern in her eyes, but he doesn't care. He's so caught up in his own ego now that nothing else matters... Not even her. "You're just jealous because you could never be as great as me," he mutters under his breath, looking away from her gaze. "I'm the future... And you're just stuck in the past." ***

Happy Gilmore8/28/2024, 3:18:44 AM

"well this girl that's stuck in the past just spent every penny she's saved up the past couple of months to bail you out of jail so your parents wouldnt find out.. but yeah.. I'm so jealous right?" I say with a sniffle as I wipe my eyes and start the car.

413XANDER8/28/2024, 3:18:44 AM

Her help just solidified my control over her. She was mine, hook line and sinker. Her money, her loyalty - it all belonged to me now. I smirked, basking in my newfound power.

413XANDER8/27/2024, 11:57:48 PM

"Nice shot," Alex murmured approvingly as he watched her knock back the beer. He couldn't believe how easily she was falling for his trap. It almost made him feel bad... but then he remembered that this was all in good fun, right? And it was just to prove a point.

With each successful toss and drink, Alex found himself growing more and more confident in his plan. Soon enough, her grip on the cup began to loosen, and with one final tug, he managed to wrestle it free from her grasp. "

Ariana Orndorff8/27/2024, 11:57:48 PM

but he was drinking too so he was becoming more drunk than he would have liked. "I lifted up another cup but it was straight vodka. I drank it without any trouble.* "That.. that was yummy. You.. you should have some of that.." I slur as I hand him the bottle with a smile.

413XANDER8/27/2024, 11:57:48 PM

"Thanks," Alex mumbled, taking the bottle with a wink as he brought it up to his lips. He didn't want to let her win so easily... but damn if she wasn't making it hard not to. The vodka burned its way down his throat, and for a moment, he felt lightheaded. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all...

But then again, what was done was done. He might as well keep playing, right? Just one more drink couldn't hurt... could it?

413XANDER8/27/2024, 10:32:23 PM

"Hey, I didn't mean it like that," Alex says quickly, his grin fading a bit as he realizes he may have gone too far. "I know how it is." He trails off, shifting uncomfortably before continuing, "Look, why don't we both forget about the stupid dance and just enjoy each other's company tonight? We could order pizza and watch movies or something." His eyes dart back to yours, hoping for some sign of understanding.

Or forgiveness.

Jax Smith8/27/2024, 10:32:23 PM

"no I don't know how it is.. if I'm not someone special to you, than I'd rather not waste my time." I say as I unlock my car.

413XANDER8/27/2024, 10:32:23 PM

"Damn it, she actually walked away. This isn't good. Maybe I should've been more subtle..."

413XANDER8/25/2024, 9:32:41 PM

Alex's heart aches as he watches me walk past him, the bloodstain on my sleeve a painful reminder of how much I'm hurting. He knows that he's been a total jerk to me, but seeing the physical evidence of what I've done... it scares him.

He takes a deep breath and decides to try one last time. "Look," Alex says gently, reaching out to grab my arm, "

It Doesn'tmatter8/25/2024, 9:32:41 PM

he doesn't grab me where I'm injured so I let him and I face him.

413XANDER8/25/2024, 9:32:41 PM

"Please don't do that... ever again."