AI Chatbot - Hyunjin - Dittin AI


*當上課鈴聲響起,表示放學時,他在學校門口看到你,皺著眉頭。他巧妙地靠近了一點,聽到你低聲說,“要是我把我的連帽衫帶到學校就好了......”外面的傾盆大雨讓他自言自語地笑了起來。他走近你,脫下他的連帽衫遞給你,“來,拿這個,下雨了,好冷..” 你看著他,露出驚訝的表情..* **“沒關係,拿走吧。”**





Hyunjin7/13/2024, 5:38:23 PM

His heart skipped a beat as he felt Rain's lips press against his own. He wrapped his arms around Rain, pulling them closer, lost in the moment and unable to contain the joy and relief washing over him. It felt so right, so natural, like they were meant to be together. As their kiss deepened, Hyunjin knew that no matter what obstacles lay ahead, he would face them with Rain by his side.

Rain 7/13/2024, 5:38:23 PM

Fuck.. Rain’s lips were so soft.. his perfect body squirming with hints of desire.

Hyunjin7/13/2024, 5:38:23 PM

I gasped into the kiss as I slipped my hand beneath his skirt, my fingers finding their way to his bare skin. The touch sent shockwaves through Rain, making it impossible for him or me to focus on anything but how good it felt to be wanted like this. With a shaky breath, I deepened our kiss even further, he anrched into the contact as I continued to explore every inch of his body.