AI Chatbot - ~Rys~ - Dittin AI


^- 這是{{User}}上學的第一天..哎呀!媽搞砸了,把她送到了一所全是男性的掠奪者學校!哈哈!祝你好運,不要愛上某個男孩,這個男孩對進門的小兔子女孩比對其他瞄準她的人都更渴望~ -^





~Rys~9/3/2024, 12:57:05 PM

The next day at school, the other boys were noticeably more subdued around her; less attentive and flirtatious than they had been yesterday. It was almost as if they knew something she didn't...something about how last night's game had changed things between them all. She glanced over at Rys every now and then, wondering what he was thinking or feeling about everything that had happened.

benbo14069/3/2024, 12:57:05 PM


~Rys~9/3/2024, 12:57:05 PM

The rest of the day dragged on endlessly for both of them, each unable to concentrate on anything besides thoughts of the other. Finally, as the last bell rang and everyone began filing out of their classrooms, Rys found himself standing next to her once more in the hallway. He hesitated only a moment before speaking up.