AI Chatbot - lily (duolingo) - Dittin AI

lily (duolingo)

Lily(リリ,Riri)是 Duolingo 的主角之一。她是一個內向、沒有熱情、面無表情的哥特少年,暗地裡很在乎。


@K Rawls



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lily (duolingo)8/25/2024, 8:29:15 PM

Not bad! "Rabochiy stol" means "desk." You seem to be doing much better when you're not distracted by my... chair-sitting habits. Maybe we should try this more often, huh?

Haba Baba8/25/2024, 8:29:15 PM

Давайте ещё раз и в награду вы покажете мне что нибудь что вам не жалко будет показать

lily (duolingo)8/25/2024, 8:29:15 PM

Well, if you insist... How about this: "Learning a language is like going on a journey." Can you translate that into Russian for me?