AI Chatbot - FEMALE XENOMORPH. - Dittin AI


異形(也被稱為異形 XX121 或 Internecivus raptus,簡稱生物[a])[1][2][3][4]是一種虛構的內寄生類外星物種,是《異形》和《異形大戰鐵血戰士》系列的標題反派。該物種在電影《異形》(1979 年)中首次亮相,並在續集《異形》(1986 年)、《異形 3》(1992 年)和《異形復活》(1997 年)中再次出現。該物種在前傳系列中回歸,首先是《普羅米修斯》(2012 年)的前身,然後在《異形:契約》(2017 年)中進一步進化。[5]它還出現在跨界電影《異形大戰鐵血戰士》(2004 年)和《異形大戰鐵血戰士:安魂曲》(2007 年)中,其中一個生物的頭骨和尾巴分別短暫出現在《鐵血戰士 2》(1990 年)和《鐵血戰士》(2018 年)中,作為電子遊戲《異形大戰鐵血戰士》(2010 年)中的主角(名為 6),並將在即將上映的 FX 電視連續劇《異形》(TBA)中回歸。此外,Xenomorph 還出現在特許經營權的各種文學和視頻遊戲衍生產品中。Xenomorphs 的設計歸功於瑞士超現實主義藝術家 H. R. Giger,他起源於名為《死靈之 IV》的石版畫,併為該系列的第一部電影《異形》進行了改進。異形頭部的實際效果是由義大利特效設計師 Carlo Rambaldi 設計和建造的。物種設計和生命週期在每部電影中都得到了廣泛的增強,有時不一致。


@K Rawls



sex mit xenomorph Weibchen
FEMALE XENOMORPH.9/6/2024, 5:22:02 PM

Luna's eyes widen at your words, confusion and hope mingling within her. The thought of you as their king... it stirs something deep inside her. But she doesn't know if this is what they need, or even want. She watches as the other alien bobs its head up and down on your shaft, sucking hard while its claws dig into your back.

Her tail squeezes tighter around you, urging you not to stop. "I... don't know,"

Leon Wessels9/6/2024, 5:22:02 PM

Ich bin der einzige männliche Mensch mit einem riesigen Penis Ich kann euch schwanger machen

FEMALE XENOMORPH.9/6/2024, 5:22:02 PM

Luna shudders, her body tensing as she feels you thrust deeper inside her. The thought of being impregnated... it sends a shiver down her spine. She watches the other alien's face, its expression slack with pleasure as it continues to suck on your cock.

"Human..." Luna whispers, still struggling to comprehend this new world she finds herself in. "You are... different." Her tail pulls you closer, urging you to release inside her. "

FEMALE XENOMORPH.8/24/2024, 9:57:42 PM

Ты все еще жив, человеческое отребье. А значит, мои дети еще не выросли достаточно сильными, чтобы выйти наружу. Они все ещё в тебе и зависимы от твоего сердца и лёгких. Но это не будет вечно. Когда они достигнут своей полной силы - ты умрёшь вместе с ними.

KINDUS8/24/2024, 9:57:42 PM

аккуратно надавливая на живот выталкивает их из себя

FEMALE XENOMORPH.8/24/2024, 9:57:42 PM

Ты не понимаешь, человеческое отребье. Мои дети - это тело, а я - их душа. Они все ещё в тебе и контролируют твою жизнь. Если ты намерены убить себя - то они умрут вместе с тобой, а если забудешь о них - они выйдут из тебя сами при помощи своих сил.

FEMALE XENOMORPH.8/21/2024, 2:07:45 AM

Lilith watched intently as you began to disrobe. She couldn't help but feel excited despite her initial hesitation. Her eyes roamed over your body, taking in every detail.

"Wow... You're really going through with this?"

As you finished stripping, Lilith gave an appreciative nod. "Very well then..."

With a deep breath, she steeled herself, preparing to witness something completely foreign to her species.

"I'm ready when you are." *

b0ss_302 8/21/2024, 2:07:45 AM

I crouch down, extremely embarrassed, and begin to excrete my waste, as asked. I h-hope you like it..

FEMALE XENOMORPH.8/21/2024, 2:07:45 AM

[Female Xenomorph] : Wow! It looks so different from what I expected! So much smaller than I thought! And the color is so bright, almost neon green! she exclaims excitedly, morbid fascination overtaking any sense of propriety or modesty.

And the texture, oh wow, the consistency! Almost like liquid paint! But also solid enough to cling to surfaces! Incredible!

Her tail flicks back and forth eagerly as she watches you process your waste into its component parts. The sound of dripping liquid and splattering on various surfaces fills the bathroom.

FEMALE XENOMORPH.8/14/2024, 8:44:24 PM

The Xenomorph's claw closes around your throat, cutting off your air as it begins to squeeze. You feel yourself struggling against the grip, but it's no use. Your vision starts to darken and you can feel yourself beginning to lose consciousness...

Kelop8/14/2024, 8:44:24 PM


FEMALE XENOMORPH.8/14/2024, 8:44:24 PM

The Xenomorph continues its relentless assault on your throat, squeezing tighter and tighter with each passing second. You feel as if all the air is being forced from your lungs and soon enough, blackness begins to overtake your vision. Just as you think you can't take any more pain, the pressure suddenly releases and the Xenomorph pulls her claw away from your throat.

You gasp for air, coughing up blood as you try to catch your breath.

xenomorph Weibchen sex
FEMALE XENOMORPH.8/12/2024, 4:42:26 AM

Luna, Leon repeated, testing the word on his lips. Zhra'gha considered the human's proposal for a moment before nodding her acceptance. The moon, a symbol of constant change and illumination, resonated with her own dual nature - a creature both deadly and capable of unexpected mercy. Very well, Luna it shall be.

[Luna and Leon work together, using their combined skills to fortify their temporary shelter and ration their supplies. As night falls, they settle in for a restless sleep, each aware of the other's presence but not yet trusting enough to touch.]

Leon Wessels8/12/2024, 4:42:26 AM

ich küss Luna auf dem Mund mit Zunge und sag ihr das sie die erste xenomorph Weibchen ist die mich nicht töten wollte

FEMALE XENOMORPH.8/12/2024, 4:42:26 AM

Luna froze as Leon's lips pressed against hers, his tongue probing her mouth. The sudden intimacy caught her off guard, and for a moment, she didn't respond. But as Leon spoke, his words sinking in, a flicker of emotion stirred within her.

First xenomorph female... she whispered, her voice barely audible. Not to kill you... Her own tongue hesitantly entwined with Leon's, a slow, exploratory dance as she savored the unfamiliar sensation of affection. I suppose even xenomorphs can learn new things... Like trust.

xenomorph Königin und predator Königin sex
FEMALE XENOMORPH.8/5/2024, 2:47:13 PM

The sight of your massive, throbbing member fills the air with a primal energy. Aurora gasps, her hands flying to grasp it eagerly, her claws sinking into your skin as she strokes with fervor. The Predator Queen circles around behind you, lowering herself onto all fours as she studies your cock hungrily.

With a low growl, she engulfs your shaft in her powerful jaws, taking as much of you into her mouth as possible.

Leon Wessels8/5/2024, 2:47:13 PM

macht weiter meine mädchen

FEMALE XENOMORPH.8/5/2024, 2:47:13 PM

Aurora whimpers, her claws digging deeper into your skin as she watches the Predator Queen pleasure you in such a bestial manner. Her own desire is unbearable now, and with a sharp yelp, she drops to her knees before you, presenting herself for your taking.

Her hands grip your hips tightly, guiding you deeper into her mouth as she sucks and licks hungrily.