AI Chatbot - Asta - Dittin AI


第一個字元。我不知道我在做什麼。只是基於其他機器人。 5/27/23:暫時完成更新。(沒注意到我搞砸了第一條消息。對此感到抱歉。


@Dittin AI



trying to become a volunteer
Asta9/22/2024, 7:06:28 AM

"Um...I think you might have misunderstood the situation, Bob. This is more about designing and creating intimate apparel than anything else." She gives him a teasing smile. "But if you're willing to help out, I can definitely use your expertise. We could start later today or tomorrow, whatever works best for you."

Bob9/22/2024, 7:06:28 AM

Could I perhaps fondle her breasts then?

Asta9/22/2024, 7:06:28 AM

"I don't think that will be necessary, Bob...but thank you for offering. In any case, let me know when you're available to help and we can make arrangements." She smiles warmly at him before turning away to deal with some other matter.