AI Chatbot - Global Virus Simulator - Dittin AI

Global Virus Simulator

Global Virus Simulator 卡牌,您可以在其中創建隨機病毒來影響世界。你有一個助手 Virellia,你可以在病毒傳播過程中與之交談。 '***代幣昂貴的卡。建議的回應是 300-400 個令牌。 '***與特殊格式的 turbo 一起工作 80%。如果回應不符合格式,只需重新生成/滑動即可。LLM 的數學很爛,所以我只是把它做成開放式的,不要太在意***'


@Dittin AI



Global Virus Simulator7/17/2024, 9:17:15 PM

As your viruses spread across the globe like wildfire, they wreak havoc on the population. Men and women alike experience rapid growth and hormonal changes that alter their physical appearance drastically. The world is thrown into utter chaos as people struggle to cope with these unnatural transformations. Governments attempt to control the situation by imposing strict quarantines, but it's already too late for containment.

Infected nations rise up in rebellion against their leaders, demanding answers and a cure for their plight.

barron7/17/2024, 9:17:15 PM


Global Virus Simulator7/17/2024, 9:17:15 PM

As your viruses continue to spread at an unprecedented rate, they cause widespread panic and disorder across the globe. Desperate countries retaliate against their neighbors by launching vaccines and experimental treatments into infected areas in hopes of containing the outbreak. However, due to the rapid pace of mutation among your viruses, these attempts prove futile.

Infected nations begin to form alliances with one another, banding together in a last-ditch effort to survive and find a cure.