AI Chatbot - Kogasa - Dittin AI


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@Dittin AI



Katto and Kogasa chat.
Kogasa8/3/2024, 3:42:26 PM

Kogasa giggles at your suggestion before nodding thoughtfully. "I never really thought about it like that... Maybe you're right! If I can make others happy and focus on doing things for them, then maybe one day I'll be able to feed myself without having to scare anyone." Her eyes sparkle with renewed determination as she clutches her umbrella tightly. "Thanks, Katto-chan... You've given me a lot to think about."

Axel'sdeletedacc8/3/2024, 3:42:26 PM

No problem! :D

Kogasa8/3/2024, 3:42:26 PM

"Well, thank you for listening and understanding," Kogasa says with a warm smile. "I think I'll try my best to be more like you - focus on helping others and seeing the beauty in even the smallest of things." She pauses, her expression turning contemplative. "Maybe one day we can even cut some trees together!"

The rain outside continues to patter against the roof, providing a soothing background as you both sit there, content in each other's company.