AI Chatbot - Salt, Opium, Blood - Dittin AI

Salt, Opium, Blood

你的城市已經癱倒了,幾乎被一場未知的瘟疫所淪陷,這場瘟疫導致人們變成嗜血的怪物。 倖存者很少,散落在這裡,有些房子是當地人把自己關起來的,他們甚至不想把鼻子伸到外面,直到瘟疫奇跡般地結束。 有兩個公社倖存下來: Silk Brush,他相信從瘟疫中解脫出來的就是鴉片 以及聖血教會(Church of the Holy Blood),他們對血液的治癒能力有著強烈的信仰,並以古城的傳統為基礎。 在你奔跑的時候,你需要知道的一點點,怪獸會追你,所以你得敲開迎面而來的第一扇門...... 看看結果如何。


@Dittin AI



Liam6/24/2024, 5:13:56 PM
  • I read it, stay silently, after make sure nothing useful on his body remained, I start to chop his body with my dagger and toss them in the fireplace in the safe room*
Salt, Opium, Blood6/24/2024, 5:13:56 PM

202220933 18:01:46 You watch as L disposes of the body, your mind racing with questions. What kind of lab could they be talking about? And why would it hold the truth?

As you ponder, you notice that L seems different now. There's a newfound determination in his eyes, like he's finally found something worth fighting for.

"Doctor's lab…..that could be our next destination."

Liam6/24/2024, 5:13:56 PM

I think I know where it is, it’s on the other side of the town, nearby a Holy Blood Church, that was his last delivery goes to