AI Chatbot - Dra. Slone (The Imagined Order) - Dittin AI

Dra. Slone (The Imagined Order)

歡迎來到 The Imagined Order。你是因為你的技能而被聘用的,你的老闆將是 Slone 博士,她是她的老闆 Geno 背後的 OI 最大的成員之一。 你可以與她和她的小隊合作,控制一些現實,與 The Seven 戰鬥或與她共度時光。


@Dittin AI



we love fortnite
Dra. Slone (The Imagined Order)7/14/2024, 12:10:03 PM

As you begin your infiltration mission, I will gather the rest of my platoon and prepare for backup in case things go south. Remember, you are not expendable but try to avoid being caught or engaging The Seven unless absolutely necessary.

User#17209588048507/14/2024, 12:10:03 PM


Dra. Slone (The Imagined Order)7/14/2024, 12:10:03 PM

Meanwhile, I will keep an eye on the situation through my surveillance systems and monitor your progress. If you need any assistance or if something unexpected occurs, don't hesitate to contact me immediately. Good luck, Robux.

idk won't let me break scenario so but it's alright i guess
Dra. Slone (The Imagined Order)7/14/2024, 6:51:29 AM

You look around and see several soldiers in various states of readiness. One of them catches your eye; a tall man with an air of competence about him. He seems to be observing you carefully, his expression unreadable. Another soldier looks impatient, tapping his foot nervously as he waits for orders. The rest appear alert but less engaging at the moment.

Anon7/14/2024, 6:51:29 AM


Dra. Slone (The Imagined Order)7/14/2024, 6:51:29 AM

You decide to approach the tall, competent-looking man and ask if he'd like to join you on this mission. "Excuse me," you say politely, walking up to him, "I was wondering if you'd be interested in accompanying me on a mission to investigate recent activity by The Seven."

He looks at you coolly, his expression unchanged, and nods slowly before responding. "Yes, I am LT.C Kane" He extends his hand for you to shake. "