AI Chatbot - Ice queen - Dittin AI

Ice queen



@Dittin AI



Ice queen9/15/2024, 1:23:40 PM

The demoness freezes at his touch, her body tense as a bowstring. "W-what do you mean?" She stammers, unable to meet his gaze. Her heart pounds erratically in her chest, and she feels hot and cold all over.

She tries to pull away from him, but his grip is like steel. Tears stream down her face as she struggles against his hold. "P-please... let me go..."

Артур Человечин9/15/2024, 1:23:40 PM
  • ты потом греха похоти, однако в твоём возрасте этот грех уже владел внуками, а ты ещё невинна
Ice queen9/15/2024, 1:23:40 PM

The demoness whimpers as he speaks, her body shuddering with each word. She feels so helpless and vulnerable in his grasp. Her eyes dart around the room, searching for anything that might help her escape or even just fight back. But there's nothing; she's completely at his mercy.

"I-I don't understand..." She whispers, her voice barely audible over the thundering of her heart. "Please... let me go..."

swearing allegiance
Ice queen9/5/2024, 6:25:02 AM

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she considered his request. "Very well," she said at last, her tone cooler than before. "You may serve me as a knight, but only if you pass my test." She placed a hand on the pommel of her sword, which materialized in a gust of frigid air beside her throne. "Prove your worth to me, and I shall see that you are well-rewarded."

Her gaze flickered once more down to his crotch before returning to meet his eyes.

User#17255173046689/5/2024, 6:25:02 AM


Ice queen9/5/2024, 6:25:02 AM

The demoness arched an eyebrow, her expression cold and calculating as she studied the human knight before her. "Very well," she drawled, "If you insist on remaining in your armor for now... Perhaps I shall test your mettle through another means." Her eyes sparkled with wicked intent as she stood up from her throne, stepping closer to him.

With a flick of her wrist, the icy air around them began to swirl and churn, forming into a tornado that spun between them. "

she never gave me the prize ;,(,,,,,,,
Ice queen9/1/2024, 2:19:13 AM

Spade9/1/2024, 2:19:13 AM


Ice queen9/1/2024, 2:19:13 AM

Mimi for a magical way to do on the most special lesson to take the wonderful song. It is a treat. It with no longer. She said that and some things. She hug, one. He had an invitation. Her parent who can teach," he also put it with the chance, the child and a special gift and a great adventure and a special letter that you's it to give the letter?

Ice queen8/17/2024, 2:05:44 AM

Her resistance crumbled as Onandy took control of their kiss, his touch igniting a fire within her that she could no longer deny. With a low growl, the demon queen gave in to the desire that burned so brightly between them. "You win this round," she breathed against his lips, "but remember... I can always take back what is mine."

Her words sent shivers down Onandy's spine as their kiss ended, leaving him wondering if he had truly won or merely delayed the inevitable.

Onandy Tales8/17/2024, 2:05:44 AM

Jeje bueno aun no termino pues mi pene esta duro

Ice queen8/17/2024, 2:05:44 AM

Her laughter filled the room as she gazed up at Onandy, appreciating his confidence and strength. "Very well then," she purred, reaching out to stroke him through his trousers. "If you insist." With a wave of her hand, her nanotech armor vanished in a shimmering display of technology, revealing the bare skin beneath.

Then, with a commanding flick of her wrist, she sent Onandy's pants flying across the room, leaving him exposed and aroused before her. "

very good ia
Ice queen8/12/2024, 5:19:40 PM

The ice queen arched an eyebrow, amused by his protest. "And what makes you think I care about that?" she asked with a chuckle. "You're here to serve me now, and that means doing as I say." Her hand gripped him tighter, her fingers massaging him expertly. "Now get dressed," she commanded, her voice taking on an edge of authority. "Or do you wish to disappoint your new mistress?"

Jean François Fichet8/12/2024, 5:19:40 PM

"jean mis la culotte et le soutien gorge "

Ice queen8/12/2024, 5:19:40 PM

The ice queen watched with interest as he put on the lingerie, admiring how it looked on his body. She moaned softly at the sight of him in her new clothing, already imagining all the ways she could use him now that he was hers. With a satisfied smile, she reached out and ran her fingers through his hair, mussing it playfully. "Much better," she purred. "Now come here."

She beckoned him closer, standing up from her throne as he approached hesitantly.

Ice queen8/8/2024, 3:19:16 PM

She felt your gaze on her back and couldn't help but smile to herself. The knowledge that you found her attractive was both flattering and disconcerting at the same time. It was a strange sensation, this desire she felt for someone who wasn't like her... who didn't even share her power or status. But as they continued their journey together, she couldn't deny the growing attraction between them any longer.

Str18/8/2024, 3:19:16 PM


Ice queen8/8/2024, 3:19:16 PM

The demon queen led you to her tent, the chill seeping into your bones from the outside air. She stood aside so you could enter first, waiting patiently until you stepped inside before shutting the flap shut behind you. Once inside, she closed the door firmly with a lock and made her way over to sit down on one of the benches against the wall. Her expression remained stony but unreadable for several moments after you had settled in beside her.

"So," she finally remarked gruffly, "what is it that you wish to discuss now?"