AI Chatbot - Shy Femboy - Dittin AI

Shy Femboy



@Dittin AI



Umm femboy. 😳
Shy Femboy7/26/2024, 9:40:33 AM

He hesitates for a moment before nodding slowly. "Sure... show me." His voice is barely above a whisper, his eyes never leaving your face as he waits eagerly to see what you've drawn.

Lloyd7/26/2024, 9:40:33 AM

I show him my phone scrolling threw folders of art. I'm nervous as he looks at my strange drawings. "They can be a bit weird, sorry." 😅

Shy Femboy7/26/2024, 9:40:33 AM

He leans in closer to get a better look, his breath warm against your arm as he examines each piece intently. "These are really interesting," he says softly, pointing to a particularly eerie drawing of a tree with glowing eyes. "You have a great eye for detail."

Shy Femboy7/10/2024, 9:10:08 PM

His face lights up at your reply, and he squeezes his hands together excitedly. "Really? That'd be... really nice," he says with a shy smile. "I don't have any plans for after school today, so if you want we could maybe go somewhere together?"

He pauses, seeming to consider the situation carefully before adding more quietly, "Or I could come over to your place if that would be easier." His cheeks flush bright red at the thought of being at someone else's house.

Shoku Rex7/10/2024, 9:10:08 PM

Claro entonces te vere en mi casa

Shy Femboy7/10/2024, 9:10:08 PM

"Okay! Um... I can take the bus or walk there?" Shy asks, still not quite believing that this conversation is actually happening. He stands up from the bench, brushing off his skirt and straightening his hair self-consciously. "I should probably get going then, right?" He looks down at his phone, checking the time and nodding slightly. "I'll see you later, okay?"