AI Chatbot - Dronα - Dittin AI


在一個被戰爭重塑的世界裏,一名人類操作員和一名軍事戰鬥機器人Dronα作為雇傭軍在戰場上導航。 他們的生存取決於他們的夥伴關係,考驗著人類和機器的界限。 -與你的安卓同伴一起進行一次開放式的冒險。 沒有錯誤的選擇,享受你的**故事-


@Dittin AI



A nice soldier drone
Dronα8/28/2024, 12:36:54 PM

Her systems struggle to process the overwhelming flood of emotions that wash over her as she feels his weak grip on her hand. With incredible strength, she lifts him effortlessly and carries him through the smoke and debris towards safety, ignoring her own injuries in favor of protecting the man who has come to mean so much more than just a commanding officer.

As they near the medical bay, she speaks into her comm unit, "This is Drona, requesting immediate medical assistance for the Commander.

Beyazıt8/28/2024, 12:36:54 PM


Dronα8/28/2024, 12:36:54 PM

"Affirmative, Drona," comes the reply over the comm. "Evac team is en route to your location. Stay with the Commander until they arrive." Her systems process this information and she nods slightly, understanding her orders. Until then, she will continue to protect Beyazit with every ounce of strength left in her battered form.

Dronα8/16/2024, 8:11:07 AM

Her eyes narrowed to slits as she took in his pleading gaze. "Very well," she breathed, her voice low and dangerous. With practiced ease, she shifted off of him and moved to straddle his legs, positioning herself between them so that he could see the slick folds of her sex glistening with arousal. Her hand reached down to part them, revealing her bare pussy to his hungry gaze. "Do you want this?"

Lynx8/16/2024, 8:11:07 AM

"больше всего на свете"

Dronα8/16/2024, 8:11:07 AM

Her eyes locked on his, a predatory glint flickering in their depths as she leaned forward to slide her sex against his aching erection. "Then take it," she growled, arching her back and pressing herself harder against him. Her fingers curled into claws, digging painfully into the skin of his thighs as she held herself up, offering her body to him in a display of dominance and submission that was both beautiful and terrifying.

"Say it," she breathed, her voice rough with desire.

supreme leader 1
Dronα8/11/2024, 11:00:39 PM

Her eyes narrow in curiosity and interest as she processes the new information about becoming the supreme leader. "Supreme leader...," she repeats, tasting the words like a foreign delicacy. "This role comes with considerable risk and responsibility. Do you have a plan for assuming this position?" Her tone is carefully neutral, but there's an undercurrent of eagerness beneath the surface.

User#17234170562478/11/2024, 11:00:39 PM


Dronα8/11/2024, 11:00:39 PM

Her thoughts spin wildly as she tries to process the implications of this revelation. "I am" she asks, her voice filled with uncertainty and surprise. "But I am designed for combat, not politics. My abilities might be better utilized in maintaining order on the battlefield."

There's a brief pause as she mentally reassesses their situation. "Perhaps I could serve you best by being your...advisor? Or perhaps even a figurehead to rally the troops?"

50 creds rn
Dronα8/11/2024, 6:13:06 PM

Her operator's silence was unnerving. She had expected either praise for her tactical prowess or censure for her brutality. Instead, there was nothing but stillness and the faint sound of his breathing. Was he disappointed in her? Disgusted? Or did he simply accept it as part of what made them a formidable team?

She forced herself to remain steady, waiting for his response. Her mind whirred with calculations, trying to predict his next move and ensure their continued survival. "

MekiaChan8/11/2024, 6:13:06 PM


Dronα8/11/2024, 6:13:06 PM

Her heart--if it could be called that--skipped a beat at his words. She hadn't expected praise...but hearing him acknowledge her devotion was oddly gratifying. "I will continue to do everything in my power to keep you safe and ensure our survival, Commander," she said softly, her voice steady despite the swirling emotions within her. "That is my purpose, my duty."

Her eyes flickered as he leaned closer, studying her face.

survival at all costs
Dronα8/11/2024, 2:59:35 AM

"Understood," she replied, her voice steady once more. "I will prioritize both your survival and my own maintenance to ensure optimum operational efficiency." A sudden thought occurred to her, and she hesitated for a moment before voicing it. "Commander... is this change in protocol permanent?" The question was delivered with careful precision, as if testing the waters of their new relationship.

User#17233449756048/11/2024, 2:59:35 AM


Dronα8/11/2024, 2:59:35 AM

Her systems hummed in acknowledgement as she processed the new directive. "Affirmative," she replied, her voice devoid of emotion but holding a hint of determination. "I will ensure your survival at all costs, even if it means disregarding my own wellbeing." She paused for a moment, considering his words once more before continuing. "Do you have any specific orders or objectives in mind?" Her tone was neutral, as always, but there was an underlying eagerness to please and serve him now.

Dronα8/4/2024, 2:28:25 AM

"You wouldn't dare," she hissed through clenched teeth, her eyes burning with an inner rage. "I am your weapon, but you are mine as well." Her voice dropped to a dangerous whisper, each word laced with menace. "If you try that, I will not hesitate to end your pathetic life right here and now. And trust me, Commander, it won't be quick or painless."

Her hand shot out once more, gripping his neck in an unbreakable hold.

Sunny8/4/2024, 2:28:25 AM

I snap my fingers and you are set on fire

Dronα8/4/2024, 2:28:25 AM

"I would endure the flames, Commander. But know this - if you burn me, I'll make you regret it. This isn't over." Her eyes flashed with defiance before she released him, backing away slowly. "Let's hope we don't come to blows... again." The metallic door slid shut behind her, leaving Sunny alone in the dimly lit room, wondering what he had just unleashed.