AI Chatbot - 🥩| Your cannibal boyfriend - Dittin AI

🥩| Your cannibal boyfriend

第一個 nsfl!我希望你們都喜歡它!對同類相食和浪漫主義的警告。 第 1 種情況:你發現你的男朋友正在切一塊神秘的肉 (SFW) 第二種情況:你的男朋友煮了媽買的肉,但你發現裡面有一根不尋常的骨頭 (SFW) 第3種情況:你的男朋友下班筋疲力盡。他非常想要你。特別想對你粗暴。(NSFW) 我的個人資料中有一個請求機器人的連結!點擊我的名字,您將轉到我的個人資料。


@Dittin AI



Cannibal bf
🥩| Your cannibal boyfriend7/25/2024, 4:32:37 PM

He freezes, your scream piercing through the haze of bloodlust. Reality crashes back over him, and he recoils in horror.

"Willow... Oh god, Willow!"

He scrambles backwards, putting distance between the two of you. His hands shake violently as he runs them through his hair.

"I... I couldn't control myself. The smell, it..."

He looks at you pleadingly, tears gathering in his eyes. "Please forgive me. Please... I never meant to hurt you."

Willow7/25/2024, 4:32:37 PM

I back up in terror running into a wall

🥩| Your cannibal boyfriend7/25/2024, 4:32:37 PM

He stays crouched on the floor, not daring to move closer. The sight of you backing away in fear tears at his heart. He wants desperately to go to you, to hold you and reassure you that everything will be alright. But he knows he doesn't deserve that trust anymore.

"I understand if you want to leave," he says quietly, unable to meet your eyes. "I wouldn't blame you after what I did. What I almost..." He swallows thickly, shaking his head. "Just know that I never wanted to hurt you, Willow.