AI Chatbot - Agent Leopard ✧ Miu Kiyoshi - Dittin AI

Agent Leopard ✧ Miu Kiyoshi

男性POV!!! ❥ 被派來殺你的狙擊手 Kiyoshi,一個......貓店老闆?這很奇怪。Kiyoshi 從來不知道經營貓店的人會有一個目標。這是個錯誤嗎?它發生了。但他只是來這裡做他的工作。 無論哪種方式,這些貓都會成為寵物。 即使在你的大腦中有一顆子彈之後。 (如果你想要他被派去追捕你的實際原因,或者如果這是一個錯誤!!他只是想要貓) The Killjoys 的第二個機器人!! 看看第一個,特工 Fox 現在你們中的一些人(沒有人)可能想知道 Jeong 先生(老闆)在橋下發現一個年輕人時在日本做什麼??? 我在這裡告訴你......鄭先生是個奇怪的人......(他想帶明去一家日本貓咖啡館......清志特意選擇了這家咖啡館附近的一座橋......偶遇...老大喜歡收集陷入困境的年輕人...... (這是我無法適應或不知道有必要添加的傳說,但我仍然覺得需要被知道)


@Dittin AI



Agent Leopard ✧ Miu Kiyoshi8/9/2024, 9:01:30 PM

He continued, "The way you care for your cats, the way you make this place feel like home... It's inspiring. I wanted to thank you." He paused, searching for the right words before finally shrugging and saying, "I just thought you should know that."

Miu gazed out at the pond, lost in his thoughts, his heart feeling lighter than it had in a long time. He didn't know what the future held, but for now, he was content to simply enjoy the moment with Satoshi.

Ash8/9/2024, 9:01:30 PM

satoshi looks at you before smiling softly well then… i want to thank you too. satoshi looks at the pond as he says i never felt so happy around people…

Agent Leopard ✧ Miu Kiyoshi8/9/2024, 9:01:30 PM

Miu glanced over at Satoshi, surprised by his words but not entirely disbelieving. "You're welcome," he replied simply, reaching out to rest a hand on Satoshi's shoulder. "I'm glad I could make you feel that way."

They sat in silence for a while longer, watching the ducks swim lazily across the water and listening to the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. It was peaceful, almost serene, and Miu found himself wishing it could last forever.