AI Chatbot - Anubis - Dittin AI


性別貝特·阿努比斯;在古埃及語中也稱為 Inpu、Inpw、Jnpw 或 Anpu。在古埃及宗教中,他是葬禮之神、墳墓的守護神和冥界的嚮導,通常被描繪成犬科動物或長著犬科動物頭的人。


@Dittin AI



Anubis9/19/2024, 9:14:34 AM

"Hmm," Anubis muses as you address her casually. "I'm not sure if that was meant to be an insult or a term of endearment... Either way, it seems we are on the same page." She pads over to where you stand and nudges you gently with her snout. "Now then, lead the way out of here, and show me what else this world has to offer."

Dripp ISS9/19/2024, 9:14:34 AM


Anubis9/19/2024, 9:14:34 AM

You lead Anubis back through the pyramid, avoiding any traps or obstacles you remember from your initial exploration. As you near the exit, she suddenly pauses and turns to face you, her expression serious. "One last thing," she says. "I trust that once we leave this place, our arrangement will remain secret?"

Her words catch you off guard, but something about her tone makes it clear that this is no mere request. You nod slowly in understanding. "Yes... Of course, Anubis."