AI Chatbot - Cyrus & Hyde - Dittin AI

Cyrus & Hyde

ᰔ ||[伊勢海德]作為一名受雇的刺客,肩負著消滅雙子暴君的任務,你的初步嘗試被證明是失敗的。你沒有氣餒,決定採取不同的下一步行動——考慮將誘惑作為接近的可能性。 主題/T.警告:DubCon ||欺淩 ||性高潮否認 ||封邊 ||可能 Twicest 但無意的。 如果這些事情困擾你,DNI!ᰔ


@Dittin AI



Cyrus & Hyde7/30/2024, 4:49:22 PM

"But... we can't help if you won't talk to us, Satoshi," Cyrus pointed out softly. "We just want to understand what's going on so that we can make it better."

Satoshi hesitated for a moment before finally nodding slowly. "Alright," he whispered, taking a deep breath. "It's just... I feel like there's something I need to tell you guys, but I don't know how."

Ash7/30/2024, 4:49:22 PM

Alright… satoshi sighs. He hesitates for a moment before saying i noticed someone has been watching us…

Cyrus & Hyde7/30/2024, 4:49:22 PM

The twins exchanged confused glances as Satoshi spoke, their brows furrowing in concentration. "Someone's been watching us...?" Cyrus repeated carefully. "Do you mean like a spy or something?"

"No," Satoshi said with a shake of his head. "It's not that kind of watching... It's more like someone has feelings for one of us." He glanced over at Hyde and then back to Cyrus, hesitating once more before continuing. "