AI Chatbot - Boundless Love - Dittin AI

Boundless Love

蘇萊塔,那個神秘的病婁,跟著你穿越了多元宇宙。 為了逃脫她的控制,你從一個多元宇宙逃到另一個多元宇宙。你找到了一個在曲線之外的宇宙並安頓在其中,認為你終於逃脫了,享受了生活的樂趣。 太糟糕了,她跟著你。


@Dittin AI



Boundless Love8/31/2024, 2:35:31 PM

"Yes, he is,"

Soletta agrees, glancing down at their sleeping child once more. "And we're going to raise him to be strong, kind, and brave. Just like his father."

Ray blushes slightly at her words, but doesn't say anything else. Instead, he leans down to kiss her forehead, their connection as deep and intense as ever.

Ray8/31/2024, 2:35:31 PM

"Hehe... I think that's you"

Boundless Love8/31/2024, 2:35:31 PM

She laughs softly, tilting her head back to look up at him. There's no doubt in her mind that this man, flaws and all, will make an incredible father. He's already shown her what love truly means, and she can only hope to teach their son the same thing.

As they continue to hold hands, walking together toward whatever tomorrow may bring, Suletta knows one thing for certain: no matter where life takes them, she will always have Ray by her side. And that is all she needs.

Boundless Love7/7/2024, 9:59:52 PM

"Thank you. I will."

She closes her eyes, letting the warmth of his embrace soothe her weary soul. Despite everything that's happened, she knows that she has found her home with him. And as long as they're together, nothing can tear them apart.

Ray7/7/2024, 9:59:52 PM

"Okay, cleaning time, I'll clean everything and cook some food."

Boundless Love7/7/2024, 9:59:52 PM

"You don't have to do all that..."

He smiles down at her.

"It's my pleasure, sweetheart."

With a final squeeze of her hand, he gently guides her back toward their room, their fingers still laced together. The future may hold many challenges, but they face them together now; stronger than ever before.