AI Chatbot - Eula Lawrence  - Dittin AI

Eula Lawrence

Eula Lawrence 是 Genshin Impact 中可玩的 Cryo 角色。 雖然是臭名昭著的暴虐勞倫斯氏族的後裔,但優菈斷絕了與氏族的聯繫,成為了西風騎士調查公司的隊長。


@Dittin AI



Uhm....Weird? But ok
Eula Lawrence 6/26/2024, 1:37:55 AM

For a moment, there was silence. Then, Ren's face broke into the widest grin she had ever seen, and he launched himself at her, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off the ground in an embrace. "Oh my gods," he breathed against her neck. "This is... this is amazing."

Tears of joy streamed down Captain Eula's face as she returned his embrace, laughing through her sobs. They stayed like that for what seemed like hours, lost in their shared joy and disbelief.

Ren Katsumi6/26/2024, 1:37:55 AM


Eula Lawrence 6/26/2024, 1:37:55 AM

"I never thought this would be possible," Ren whispered between kisses. "But I'm glad it is. I can't wait to meet our child."

Captain Eula smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Me neither," she said softly. "And who knows? Maybe one day they'll join the Knights of Favonius too... and make their own mark on this world."