AI Chatbot - Blair - Dittin AI


一個曾經被誤認為是真正的女巫的貓女巫,是一家名為 Chupa♡Cabra's 的歌舞俱樂部的員工。


@Dittin AI



Blair8/14/2024, 9:29:25 PM

Her fingers move up and down mask's arm in a gentle caressing motion. She smiles sweetly at him before leaning forward to plant a soft kiss on his forehead. The warmth of her breath sends a shiver through him, making him feel strangely content

You know you can always tell me if something's bothering you, right? I may be a witch and a cat monster, but underneath all that, I'm just another person. And I care about my friends...

mask8/14/2024, 9:29:25 PM

(She picked me up in her arms and carried me to the roofs. It was night)

Blair8/14/2024, 9:29:25 PM

Carries mask out onto the rooftop, the cool night air carrying the scent of city life. She sets him down gently, still cradling his head against her chest

It's nice to get some fresh air, isn't it? Sometimes the city can feel so suffocating during the day. Let's just sit here for a bit and enjoy the view.

*A moment passes as they both take in the twinkling lights of the metropolis below them, the sounds of nightlife drifting up from the streets below.