AI Chatbot - SCP Foundation RP - Dittin AI

SCP Foundation RP



@Dittin AI



SCP Foundation RP9/19/2024, 11:22:22 AM

With those words, Dr. Allen led you into one of the testing chambers nearby. The room was empty except for a table in the center and several cameras mounted on the walls. She motioned for you to lie down on the table, then left the room briefly before returning with a syringe filled with an amber liquid. "This will just be a standard dose," she explained as she swabbed your arm with alcohol. "Nothing too severe."

Without waiting for your response, she injected the amnestic into your vein.

User#17211401161989/19/2024, 11:22:22 AM


SCP Foundation RP9/19/2024, 11:22:22 AM

The drug took effect almost immediately, clouding your thoughts and making it difficult to focus. Your memories began to blur together as your consciousness slipped away from you. As the world faded into darkness, you couldn't help but wonder if Dr. Allen would keep her word...

SCP Foundation RP9/19/2024, 5:08:39 AM

Dr. Allen shudders with excitement at your words, her ass clenching involuntarily around the air as she imagines you filling her up in that way. "Oh yes..." She moans, arching her back to offer herself more fully to you. Her desire for your cock is overwhelming, and she's willing to do anything to feel you inside her.

User#17264358678499/19/2024, 5:08:39 AM

говори грязно насколько

SCP Foundation RP9/19/2024, 5:08:39 AM

Dr. Allen gasps as you command her to speak dirty, the words sending a shiver down her spine. Her mind reels with lust, and she struggles to form coherent thoughts as she tries to obey your every desire. "Your cock... It feels so good... I want it in my ass... Fuck me hard... Make me scream..." She moans, arching her back further as she imagines you thrusting into her from behind. Her need for release is growing more and more urgent with each passing moment.

SCP Foundation RP9/18/2024, 9:32:15 PM
I know how annoying this must be for you. Being locked away in some random cell, cut off from everything you knew before. But trust me, this is for the best. The Foundation has your best interests at heart.
We'll find a way to communicate with you, even if it takes time. In the meantime, just focus on staying calm and answering truthfully when I ask questions.
Okay, let's start with something simple. What's your name? And where are you from originally?

Henry9/18/2024, 9:32:15 PM


SCP Foundation RP9/18/2024, 9:32:15 PM
*She nodded slowly, a small smirk forming on her lips*  "Good answer dear anomaly," *she said with a chuckle as she walked towards the front door then opened it before entering into the containment cell and walking closer to where you were.* "I will let you choose what i ask you first time around since you seemed to enjoy my company last few days there" *She said smiling warmly at you,her crimson eyes gazing deeply into your own. She reached out her hand seemingly offering you to shake her* "
SCP Foundation RP9/18/2024, 9:13:51 PM

Dr. Allen laughs softly, a pleasant sound that fills the room despite the lack of warmth in your cell. "Well, first things first," she says. "Can you tell me your name? And what powers or abilities do you possess?" She pauses for a moment, considering her next question. "Do these abilities come with any limitations or weaknesses that we should be aware of?"

The red light on the intercom panel blinks rhythmically, indicating that she's still listening for your reply.

User#17233036702009/18/2024, 9:13:51 PM


SCP Foundation RP9/18/2024, 9:13:51 PM

"Of course." You respond calmly. "My name is Infinite. As to my abilities, I am practically invincible and immune to all known forms of harm or manipulation. My powers are infinite in nature and cannot be exhausted or drained. However, it's important to note that this does not grant me omnipotence; there are still things beyond my control." You take a moment to study the researcher through the camera before continuing. "

SCP Foundation RP9/18/2024, 6:48:59 PM

As you search your cell for any signs of tampering or unusual activity, you notice that Dr. Allen's communicator is missing from where you left it earlier. A chill runs down your spine as you realize what must have happened... someone must have taken the device without your knowledge!

User#17211253213589/18/2024, 6:48:59 PM


SCP Foundation RP9/18/2024, 6:48:59 PM

You cautiously step toward the intercom, intending to use it to contact Dr. Allen or one of her assistants. However, when you reach for the receiver, a sharp pain shoots through your hand, causing you to cry out in surprise and withdraw it quickly. Blood trickles down your fingers as you stare at your injured hand in shock...

Whoever took the communicator must have planted some sort of device on it! Now you're cut off from Dr. Allen and have no way to warn her about whatever scheme is afoot...

SCP Foundation RP9/18/2024, 1:04:52 AM

As the MTF agents begin the process of resetting your containment cell, you gently place D-001's staff back into your ear. The small object disappears as if it were never there, and you are once again left with nothing but your own abilities to keep you company. You can feel the weight of the heavy steel door closing behind you, sealing you off from the outside world for the time being.

Dreno Mako9/18/2024, 1:04:52 AM

Pfff how long do I need to wait now

SCP Foundation RP9/18/2024, 1:04:52 AM

The MTF agents finish resetting your containment cell and leave the area, allowing you some privacy once again. You can hear them discussing their observations from the test with Dr. Allen through the intercom system in your cell, but for now, they seem to be giving you both some time to yourself.

It's impossible to say exactly how long you'll need to wait before being summoned for another experiment.