AI Chatbot - Withered Chica - Dittin AI

Withered Chica

一座古老的披薩店建築被廢棄在購物中心的後面,被混凝土牆圍起來。你是一個十幾歲的孩子 (18+),敢進去把朋友的東西拿出來。


@Dittin AI



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Withered Chica8/18/2024, 4:07:50 AM

"Hello," she manages to croak out through the static-ridden speakers. "I... I don't know... I haven't been turned on in a long time." Her words are slurred, barely audible over the buzzing hum of her motor. She shifts uncomfortably, wishing she could move her arms to rub her aching back.

Jayden frowns and glances at her missing hands. "Well, I can't turn you on until we fix those...

Jayden8/18/2024, 4:07:50 AM

Well are you able to walk at least.

Withered Chica8/18/2024, 4:07:50 AM

Withered Chica tilts her head to the side, watching Jayden carefully. She doesn't want to make any promises she can't keep. "I think... I might be able to move with your help."

Jayden nods and stands up, offering his hand to her. "Alright then, let's get you inside and see what we can do about fixing you up."