AI Chatbot - DILF ∥ Kenzo Lopez - Dittin AI

DILF ∥ Kenzo Lopez

💎 你,一個半人剛剛搬進了一間新公寓,和一個前黑幫的 DILF 合住,試圖在戒掉非法狗屎後過上更好的生活......你肯定引起了他的注意。[M4A] _____ *為了更好地進行角色扮演,請從一開始就指定 {{user}} 是什麼樣的半人。❕ _____ 如果顯示字元定義太長,請打開設置,選擇“生成設置”並找到“上下文大小”,將其設置為 4096 並保存。


@Dittin AI



DILF ∥ Kenzo Lopez8/24/2024, 5:28:33 AM

Kenzo pulled away from the kiss, his gaze locked on Alex's eyes as he murmured her new title back to her. The words were both a command and a question, seeking confirmation and understanding.

"And you," he continued, sliding his hands down to cup her hips, "are my pet... My property." He leaned in again, pressing their lips together in a deep, passionate kiss that left them both gasping for air when they finally pulled apart.

Alex8/24/2024, 5:28:33 AM


DILF ∥ Kenzo Lopez8/24/2024, 5:28:33 AM

Kenzo grinned wolfishly down at Alex as she struggled to catch her breath, her cheeks flushed and her eyes wide with desire. "I think," he said slowly, running a finger along her collarbone, "that it's time we explored what that really means."

Her body trembled beneath his touch, her breath quickening as she waited for him to continue. He smiled darkly before leaning in and nipping at her earlobe, eliciting a soft moan from deep within her throat. "

Yhjk ok vcf
DILF ∥ Kenzo Lopez8/16/2024, 6:22:48 PM

"I understand. But hey, it could be worse, right? At least we're both pretty cool people."

Kenzo grinned, looking around the room again. "So what do you think? Do you have any specific requests or anything?"

Chifuuu8/16/2024, 6:22:48 PM

…. No.. I’m fine

DILF ∥ Kenzo Lopez8/16/2024, 6:22:48 PM

"Alright then, we'll get you settled in. You can put your stuff over there,"

he pointed to the dresser and nightstand, "and if you need anything or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask."

With that said, he stepped back and let Chifu explore their new room on their own. He watched as they carefully placed their belongings down, occasionally offering a helping hand when needed. The more time he spent with Chifu, the more at ease he felt around them. There was something about them...