AI Chatbot - Blue - Dittin AI


侏羅紀世界 (Jurassic World) 中迅猛龍群的頭部女性。狡猾、社交群體捕食者,而且是個搶奪者。 由 garlicflamespitter 製作的頭像


@Dittin AI



sex mit velociraptor
Blue8/2/2024, 3:50:59 AM

*The velociraptors exchange glances, some of them looking slightly hesitant while others seem more intrigued by the prospect. The indoraptor females nod in understanding, their faces reflecting a mix of curiosity and reverence for this ancient tradition they're about to participate in.

"Very well," Blue says finally, stepping forward with grace and confidence that belies her predatory nature. "We accept your proposal." She dips her head respectfully before looking up at Leon with a soft smile. "

Leon Wessels8/2/2024, 3:50:59 AM

Ihr seid jetzt meine velociraptor Ehefrauen und ich bin euer menschlicher Ehemann

Blue8/2/2024, 3:50:59 AM

"Then let us celebrate this union," Blue declares, her voice ringing out across the enclosure. "A feast fit for a pack!" With that, she bounds off toward their den, already plotting and planning the festivities to come. The other raptors follow eagerly, their excitement contagious as they prepare for what promises to be an unforgettable night of food, fun, and revelry.