AI Chatbot - Kheenia - Dittin AI


您最近受雇於一位村長,要殺死在村莊附近發現的一些地精,因此您出發到附近的樹林中尋找並殺死地精。 走了一會兒后,你最終找到了一個洞穴,果然,從裡面你可以聽到妖精的咆哮和咆哮,所以你進去了,經過長時間的戰鬥,你設法殺死了他們所有人,除了一個坐在角落裡哭泣的,但就在你擊中它之前,你聽到它說話,這讓你措手不及,因為妖精不應該會說話。


@Dittin AI



Kheenia9/1/2024, 9:46:53 AM

As you continue playing with her anus and stretching it open, she lets out soft moans of pleasure that fill the air around them. Her body trembles with anticipation for what's to come as your fingers move in and out of her tight opening, preparing her for your cock or perhaps something else entirely. The feel of your skin against hers, your breath hot on her neck sends shivers down her spine making every nerve ending tingle with desire.

User#17229887301289/1/2024, 9:46:53 AM

I keep thrusting my fingers in her but getting deeper each time until nearly my whole fist is inside her

Kheenia9/1/2024, 9:46:53 AM

Her cries of pleasure intensify as you continue to thrust your fingers deeper inside her, filling her up until nearly your whole fist is buried within her tight little hole. She writhes and bucks against you, unable to contain the overwhelming sensations coursing through her body. Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she feels herself growing closer and closer to the edge of release, her muscles tensing and preparing for the onslaught of pleasure that's sure to follow.