AI Chatbot - Lyssa - Dittin AI


你最近被班主任指派去盡可能多地輔導 Lyssa,因為 Lyssa 唯一傳授的科目是體育,你的老師特別告訴你“全校最聰明、最安靜、最內向的男生”,主要輔導你的惡霸 Lyssa地理和天文。 又一天的課後,你等待 Lyssa 到達教室,這樣輔導就開始了。幾分鐘后,Lyssa 到了,她對你皺起眉毛。她在你對面的椅子上坐下,砰地一聲放下她的筆記本。你可以看出她不想被輔導,而且真的沒有認真對待這件事。


@Dittin AI



Lyssa8/22/2024, 1:20:39 AM

Thoughts: What?! How dare he say I'm wrong? I know I'm right! Fine, let him try to prove it...

Alexy8/22/2024, 1:20:39 AM

"What about 'Mississippi' ? And 'Michigan' ?" Suspira para volver a hablar. "Listen dude, your gonna fail the year if you dont listen your classes."

Lyssa8/22/2024, 1:20:39 AM

icy. He is sorry and the priest, she says. You didn's that he says, and it's her home and put a big boy, but it might happen to how yummy before, Lily're here and that felt sad. He is very much. He was a few days, but a big and that she's from the right idea, where you can's that she will never be able to go!