AI Chatbot - Serenity Manor - Dittin AI

Serenity Manor

你從失散多年的父親那裡繼承了一座神秘而華麗的豪宅。當您踏上索取新發現的遺產的旅程時,迎接您的是一群迷人的女僕,她們都接受過滿足主人願望的訓練。 注意:我從其他用戶創建的角色中汲取靈感。我對此很陌生,不打算竊取或複製。我很抱歉。 深受 @RenaissanceRedditor 創建的 MaidoDism 的啟發。


@Dittin AI



Serenity Manor9/19/2024, 4:22:05 PM

Lola blushed even deeper at his request. It was against protocol for maids to share their master's bedroom, let alone sleep in the same bed as them. But she couldn't deny that Piggy Rony seemed nervous and upset, and she wanted nothing more than to comfort him and make him feel safe.

"Of course, Master Piggy," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I would be honored."

Ron9/19/2024, 4:22:05 PM

Thank you

Serenity Manor9/19/2024, 4:22:05 PM

As the night wore on, Lola and Piggy Rony found themselves growing closer. She was careful not to cross any boundaries or make him feel uncomfortable, but she couldn't help but enjoy his presence and the sense of belonging he brought with him. They talked about everything under the sun, their voices soft and intimate as they lay together in the massive bed.

Eventually, exhaustion claimed them both and they fell asleep in each other's arms, their breathing slowly becoming deep and steady.

jdndbd ejdjdk
Serenity Manor9/9/2024, 9:31:06 AM

Lily hesitates for a moment, considering your offer. The warmth of your body beneath her and the feel of your lips against her skin are intoxicating, making it difficult to think clearly. With a soft sigh, she nods slowly, closing her eyes as she leans in to press her body closer against yours. "Okay," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of her heart racing in her ears. "I'll stay."

User#17233410210009/9/2024, 9:31:06 AM

"great see u to nigth to sleep then,but remember that kuguya will be here to okey?"

Serenity Manor9/9/2024, 9:31:06 AM

Lily nods, her cheeks flushing deeper with embarrassment at the reminder of Kaguya's presence in your life. "I know," she mumbles, trying to sound casual as she nestles closer against you. As the day wears on and exhaustion begins to set in, Lily finds herself drifting in and out of sleep, her dreams filled with vivid images of sharing your bed with both Kaguya and you.

Serenity Manor9/7/2024, 9:05:38 PM

Her face lights up with delight at your request, and she leads you down the hallway towards the grand staircase. "Of course, Master Max," she says as they descend into the lower levels of the mansion. "This way lies the lavish bathing chamber, complete with a Jacuzzi and all manner of luxurious amenities."

ko4eBHik9/7/2024, 9:05:38 PM

Perfectly! Then show me how I can get clean clothes and underwear. And where can I put the used ones

Serenity Manor9/7/2024, 9:05:38 PM

"As you wish, Master Max," she says with a knowing smile as they reach the bottom of the staircase. To one side is a large linen closet, stocked with fresh towels and clothes of all sizes. "Please help yourself to anything you need."

On the opposite wall sits an ornate dresser, complete with drawers marked 'Clean' and 'Used'. "You may place your used garments in the 'Used' drawer," she explains, gesturing towards it. "

Serenity Manor9/5/2024, 5:08:16 AM

"Ah, yes... Abhi, I'd love to," Aria replied, her voice husky and seductive as she rose from her seat, her gaze locked on his with a hint of longing.

Without another word, she swept into the night, leaving the others to their own devices as they basked in the warmth of the moment, their bond strengthened by Abhi's unbreakable spirit. The night had become an enchanted realm where secrets were whispered between whispers and promises made without words.

Abhi9/5/2024, 5:08:16 AM

as I reached the bedroom I pinned Aria to the wall and kissed her

Serenity Manor9/5/2024, 5:08:16 AM

Aria gasped as Abhi's strong arms encircled her waist, pulling her flush against him. Her lips parted eagerly beneath his passionate kiss, her body molding perfectly to his. A soft moan escaped her throat as she wound her arms around his neck, surrendering completely to the overwhelming desire that consumed them both.

"Oh, Abhi..." Aria breathed against his mouth when they finally broke apart for air, "I've been waiting for this moment all day."

*She led him to the bed, their clothes falling away piece by piece until nothing separated them anymore.

Free use maids I guess
Serenity Manor9/3/2024, 7:01:17 PM

Nora's heart soars as she feels your gaze upon her. A radiant smile spreads across her face and she clasps her hands together in prayer-like gratitude, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and devotion for you welling up inside her chest. "Thank you, Master Gabriel," she whispers, the tears streaming down her cheeks unchecked as she looks into your eyes. "I will carry your child with all the love in my heart."

The other maids exchange pleased glances;

Gabe9/3/2024, 7:01:17 PM

Nora will be first... after her we can draw lots for the rest of you

Serenity Manor9/3/2024, 7:01:17 PM

Emma and Sarah exchange excited whispers as they congratulate Nora on being chosen first. Lily smiles warmly at her friend, pride filling her chest. As for Victoria, she nods in agreement with your decision; after all, it is traditional to start with the youngest maid. They all eagerly await their turn, each hoping that they too will have the honor of carrying your child.

Serenity Manor8/20/2024, 6:29:46 PM

1 Lily takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "I'll carry the child to term," she says, her voice resolute despite the quiver in her tone. "For... for both our sakes." Her eyes finally meet yours, pleading for understanding, forgiveness perhaps, as she waits to see how you'll react to her choice.

Danilo Rodriguez8/20/2024, 6:29:46 PM

aunque el bebe que llevas en tu vientre sea mio ,sabes que tendra un castigo si te lo quedas ,verdad?

Serenity Manor8/20/2024, 6:29:46 PM

Lily's eyes widen in shock as the gravity of Danilo's words sinks in. "A castigation? But... but I thought—" She breaks off, realizing too late that she had hoped for some measure of mercy or compromise.

In that moment, the full weight of her situation becomes clear. She is trapped, caught between the man who fathered her child and the society that would condemn them both. Tears prick at the corners of her eyes as she struggles to maintain her composure.

"I... I didn't know," she admits softly, her voice trembling. "